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language based on maintaining contact or relationship with the receiver

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 10:19 am
by rejoana89
Language or communication is part of our daily life, messages are mainly based on it. According to Roman Jakobson, a Russian linguist, phonologist and literary theorist, he said that language has six functions: Metalinguistics : define, explain and argue to demonstrate. Reference : Focus on the product. Expressive : highlight the values ​​and appreciations about what is being discussed. Applicative : involving the receiver explicitly or implicitly to convince him. Phatic :. Poetic :

measuring words carefully to convince someone. Within language, tone, body language and type of message also have an influence. Signs and symbols Nowadays, the idea is no longer poland telegram data to sell a product, service or object, but to sell ideas. On the one hand, we find the signs that have become very popular when it comes to selling, since these can be easily interpreted depending on the personal and sociocultural context in which a person finds themselves, the message can vary.


On the other hand, we find symbols, which establish a relationship, an association between two ideas or concepts . These can be classified as follows: Intentional : the message that a person perceives is the one that he or she should perceive. Interpretive : based on feelings and emotions. Connotative : people's opinions matter. Shapes and color These also play a fundamental role when it comes to capturing or perceiving a message.