But before you go into execution mode, you first need to think about what the strategy or common thread of your annual plan is. With the common thread or strategy, you describe in broad terms what your solution route is. An example of this could be:
“We are going to profile ourselves as an authority in the field of …. We are going to do this by creating blogs or vlogs and organizing webinars on the subjects that we receive a lot of questions about or that are searched for a lot. We proactively share this content online on forums, social media and via newsletters. This content is also an important basis for being found better organically.”
The challenge here is not to get bogged down in details, but to outline the route. This will give direction to the actions you are going to develop.marketing steps
Now that you have the common thread, you can go all out with thinking about how you are going to give substance to the strategy. For this you use P's or C's. Not that this is absolutely necessary, but this gives structure, a kind of checklist, so that you know for yourself that you have thought of all facets. In fact, you get started on the basis of this annual plan.
How much will it cost to implement the marketing plan?
Who will implement it (internal or external)?
How will I evaluate my actions at the end of the period?
4. Make sure you have broad support
If you have gone through the above steps, then you have the content ready and you may also have the ' common understanding ' within your team. It is important to also sell your marketing plan, the objectives and efforts that you are going to ask of everyone, in the organization.
Present your marketing plan briefly and concisely in a light-hearted manner. Show everyone the dot on the horizon and substantiate your chosen strategy with the most important challenges that you have formulated.
My experience is that if you follow the above process, the chance is many times greater that you can actually start executing your marketing plan. There is also a big chance that the organization will also ask you the following year: "Do you have your plan ready yet?" or "What are we going to do next year?" Then you know that your plan has succeeded.
would overthrow governments and make banks uae telegram data redundant. Libertarians and anarchists saw blockchain technology as the means to strip both institutions of their power. It is therefore very interesting to see that banks and governments are now experimenting so proactively. And implementing the technology within their ranks. On the one hand, we are currently seeing how blockchain technology is being used beautifully during the corona crisis, on the other hand, we are seeing beautiful blockchain companies collapse due to the same crisis. What can we expect in the near future? In this blog, the 4 most important developments.
Where I wrote last year that many organizations were still looking for a successful business case, we see that in the past year blockchain has changed from buzzword to business opportunity . A large study by Deloitte shows that 82% of organizations are spending money on the technology and almost 90% see a business case. Half of them even see it as one of the top 5 priorities. And the number of successful implementations has doubled in one year. Educational institutions are joining forces and offering courses en masse. SMEs are supported by the European Union in experimenting with the technology and dozens of start-ups in the Netherlands are building cool blockchain solutions.
Blockchain has clearly proven itself, but there is still much work to be done. – State Secretary Mona Keijzer.