The first thing is to have your contact information as complete as possible. The more complete it is, the better. This way you can automatically filter based on basic data such as location, email, phone numbers, etc.
For everything other than basic data, you can use contact tags .
Labels are a simple but very powerful tool for sorting russia number whatsapp the contacts in your address book. They work just like the name suggests: a label is simply a name and a description, and you can mark any number of contacts with any number of labels.
The labels you create are completely arbitrary and depend on what you want to classify. For example, we have labels like:
Client : Use our services
Influencer : He is a potential collaborator
Web Subscriber : You have subscribed via web
Some of these tags are added manually as we fill out a contact sheet. But others are added automatically thanks to the integration between the CRM and Vendomia's website system-- when a visitor subscribes to this blog using one of the lead capture forms , for example.
Depending on your goals, you should now define all the tags you want to use. My advice is to start with only those you consider necessary, and then add more as needed.

Start segmenting your customers now
As you can see, customer segmentation is a very powerful tool for your company. In fact, you have probably already put it into practice, at least distinguishing between existing and potential customers.
To get the most out of your database, you can start categorizing all of your customers to find out where you can generate more sales. You may have opportunities to cross-sell. You may be missing out on satisfied customers who would bring you more business.
Are you already segmenting your customers?