Finding the right melody: 4 tools to match content and tone to each buyer stage

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Finding the right melody: 4 tools to match content and tone to each buyer stage

Post by Mitu8877 »

Even the most beautiful music, if played for the wrong audience, won't resonate. An audience expecting to hear a concert will likely abandon you if you choose to play a jazz standard instead.

This same principle applies to your sales and marketing content.

If your content doesn’t strike the right chord—that is, it doesn’t attract the right customers with the right message at the right belgium business fax list time—you run the risk of not reaching anyone at all, like a classical violinist in a room full of hip-hop fans. You could have the strongest, most impactful, most informative content, and you’d still not get the results you were hoping for. Your message and your audience wouldn’t match up, rendering your content more or less dead on arrival.

To get started on a better content strategy , it’s essential to optimize your content by “mapping” your material to your ideal buyer and the precise moment in the buyer’s journey where it will have the greatest impact. And while this may seem like a complex alchemical process, there are plenty of tools that can help. (You may even already be using some of them.)


Below we offer a summary of the four best solutions to ensure that your content reaches your customers correctly.

#1: Inspiring awareness with automation
Consider this scenario: Your team drafts a standard “Get to Know Us” email designed to introduce a new product or service. Then, use your email automation platform to send the message to everyone on your customer list (past customers, people who clicked “subscribe” on your homepage, people who have previously reached out to you, etc.).

What happens next will change the course of your email marketing and email sales strategy, but only if you make the most of your automation tool.

Here's how.

A comprehensive automation platform will provide you with key performance indicators such as open rate, bounce rate, and number of link clicks. In order for future messages to reach their full potential, your team should analyze this email engagement data and use it as a guide for the future.
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