We will discuss the importance of this later in hong kong mobile phone numbers database this article. Quality of core content – section . Google has slightly changed the wording of the section that specifies how raters will evaluate the quality of a page's main content. In the previous QRG, rendering time was mentioned as a factor that could affect the perception of page quality. This has now been replaced with originality, which isn’t surprising given Google’s recent focus on original content.

The emphasis here is on how much real work and effort goes into creating the content, as opposed to tactics that rely solely on automation or heavily on it without oversight or manual editing. Additionally, there’s the element of authenticity, where there are clearly insights that can’t be found elsewhere. Reputation of the website and its creators – section . Google has expanded its recommendations for understanding the reputation of both a website and its creators by asking raters to consider the reputation of creators in the context of what the page is about.
This means that reputation research should consider that a website may be the go-to source for one type of content and an unreliable source for another, but that doesn’t mean it’s inherently unreliable. Experience, expertise, authority and trust EEAT – section . The inclusion of the concept of experience in EAT is consistent with many updates Google has made in recent years, particularly around product review content .