Posts or as mini stories in Stories. Content is everywhere What is content marketing and what is its purpose The simplest definition of content marketing includes the creation and publication of content to promote a specific brand. We use it to inform and entertain consumers. It has been well known for many years because brands always tell their stories. The oldest source of content marketing can be found in storytelling. Telling and creating stories is always done to arouse the interest of the recipient and encourage him to participate in the story. Nowadays it covers a large part of every.
Brands communication. Newsletters play a special role in this whole process. The special role of newsletters in email marketing In the article Newsletter from start to finish How to use its potential in every industry we cambodia whatsapp resource mentioned that this unique email is a great way to stay in touch with users. Why Because this newsletter is exclusively offered to people who have agreed to receive it regularly. These users are interested in the subject of our website and want to be contacted repeatedly from time to time. We make sure that all this is included thanks to the double optin.
Recording feature. Users double optin and double confirm their willingness to add their address to our mailing list guarantee that our database contains people who really agree to this. Registration using the double optin method actually reduces the optout rate and users are more willing to open our messages. Another useful tool to increase the opening rate of messages is the Mailing Optimizer which allows us to adjust the timing of them according to the personal preferences of subscribers. The system collects data about the time of opening of previous mails and on the basis of which we can determine.