See the details of the first phase of Inbound Marketing: User attraction works well for small and medium-sized companie

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See the details of the first phase of Inbound Marketing: User attraction works well for small and medium-sized companie

Post by muskanhossain66 »

Creating a successful Digital Marketing strategy, based on the Inbound Marketing methodology , requires planning and preparation to complete several steps.

It may seem complicated, but when we analyze each of the steps and break down what makes them up, we see that it is a very simple strategy.

And since we are talking about the stages of the Inbound Marketing strategy, I will start by explaining all the details of the first phase, attracting potential customers or Leads .

As I explained earlier, this phase serves solely and exclusively to bring people to your website, blog, hotsite, etc. To do this, there are some formats that we always follow:

Let's assume that, according to a Hubspot survey , companies band database that blog have 55% more traffic on their websites and, according to Ignite Spot , 61% of American consumers have purchased a product based on a blog post (and we know that everything that happens there ends up having a direct effect here, right?).
Okay, we have the data, what now? Just start producing content, right? But remember that your company really needs to solve your persona's problem (I explained this better here ), because we know that only those who buy expensive wine are people who have learned to taste. So teach your customer something , give them a sample of what your product (but without talking about direct sales, many times this generates repulsion!) can bring in terms of benefits . Look how cool it is how Friboi used content to generate real engagement and give more visibility to its products . That certainly attracted a lot of people, didn't it?
The famous digital media purchase ! As we know, traditional media is very expensive and ends up being monopolized by large companies. Therefore, Digital Marketing is an extremely valid option for small and medium-sized businesses , right here in the Goiás region. The purchase of digital media is much cheaper than the traditional one, in addition to allowing easy measurement of results in real time! I'm talking about the most common advertising tools, such as Google AdWords, FacebookAds, BingAds, InstagramAds and others.
With these tools, you can boost and segment your content, taking it directly to your potential customer, to attract them into your inbound marketing plan.
Social Media
Many people and companies use social media as the only way to do Digital Marketing, but that's wrong! Social media does play a role in the process. However, it is part of a much larger strategy , especially when we talk about the Inbound methodology.
Social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and others are used for the attraction and relationship phases (which we will discuss in another post). Let's assume that your potential customer is not always looking for information about your product or service, so if they are not searching for something on Google, they are certainly browsing social networks . Therefore, it is important to always have a page (and not a profile) for your business, to post relevant content, blog posts, interactive material and reach as many people as possible.
Read also: Customer Prospecting Script: Methods and Ready-Made Examples!
There are several other ways to attract users to your digital fishing network, you just need to understand the nature of your business and who your target audience is. Then, just start producing relevant content for these people and watch your Google Analytics numbers go up .

“Rodrigo, instead of delivering content, why don’t I just put my product in front of my client? Wouldn’t that be much easier?”
It's simple. If you're here, I'm going to assume that you must be online for a good amount of time each day, right? Of that time, how much do you spend searching for products with the intention of buying them? Very little, right? Why would your customer be any different? According to the book The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes, only 3% of people who are online are looking for a product , compared to 7% who are "willing to listen", 30% who are "not thinking about it", 30% who "believe they're not interested" and 30% who are "sure they're not interested". So, you first need to create demand and get your target audience interested in your segment, then think about the problem they have and look for a way to solve that problem, which is your product ! Tcharam, you sold on the internet.

But don't worry, you don't have to stop advertising your product directly, okay? These are things that happen simultaneously , after all, the 3% is also important!

Inbound Marketing is no secret. It is a long-term strategy that over time becomes automated and makes perfect sense when it starts to generate sales for any type of company, especially those that have little money to invest in Digital Marketing and seek visibility in alternative media outlets.
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