What is the Funnel?
The funnel is a graphical representation of the different phases that a user goes through when they become the target of a web marketing action . The further they “descend” towards the neck of the funnel, the closer they are to buying, or even becoming a brand ambassador.
The process is characterized by user engagement in actions that are of incremental importance , from simply sharing a Facebook post to participating in a webinar, downloading a free ebook, to purchasing the product, perhaps with a coupon or a free trial period. The goal is not just to sell, but to enhance the perception of the brand's value and increase profits over time .
Building the Funnel
A funnel is divided into five phases:
Create attention and awareness towards a category of products or services;
Generate interest in your product or service;
Induce the desire to purchase;
Stimulate purchasing ;
Achieve customer loyalty through positive experience throughout the process.
Marketing funnel
A Concrete Example
Let's say I'm moving house. I search online for a place that chief vp marketing officer email lists sells boxes and packaging . My offer is wide. There are all kinds of companies, each with its own style of communication and presentation. How can I select the right product for me?

I gather information. I make comparisons to identify (without wasting too much time) a set of boxes of the desired size, I check the delivery costs, and I try not to forget anything important. I might ask the company about materials or customer support.
In the end, I choose one company over the others . I select the one that not only presents the products in a clear and simple way, but also meets my expectations for quality and price. I give them my email address and consent to subscribe to their newsletter, allowing the company to keep the conversation open with me.
The company has gained a huge advantage. It has sold a range of products , but it has also managed to get me away from large platforms such as Amazon , which occupy every product sector.
Eventually, when the purchasing (and delivery) phase is happily over, I will hold a good opinion of the brand , remaining open to further purchases in the future. I also wish to speak positively about the company to friends and relatives, and in online channels.
The Role of Email Marketing
As you can see from the example, funnel theory means nothing more than the rational use of tools that the Internet offers for marketing.
User attention can be obtained by:
Organic traffic (SEO activity)
Facebook Advertising
Google Adwords
Guest posts on other sites
Sharing on social networks
Interest in the brand can be induced by directing the user to a landing page . The content should persuade the user about the quality of the product or service . The page could contain a subscription form for a newsletter , highlighting the advantages of subscribing . These benefits could be time-limited, creating a sense of opportunity and urgency . The more the user browses the company's channels, the more the inclination to buy increases.
Many companies maintain their relationship with the customer after the purchase . They periodically send a newsletter to the customer based on their interests in the first purchase. Or they may offer a coupon that they can share with a friend.
To understand the need to send newsletters to a well-targeted audience , read our detailed articles « 5 ideas to segment your contacts if you use ecommerce » and « How to segment contacts in your lists ».
Your Funnel Is Unique
Each company must decide which part of the funnel is most important to them . Online advertising tools can accelerate awareness, but landing pages, subscription forms and newsletters cannot be ignored – it is vital not to abandon the user, perhaps after following a paid link, as they move along the funnel.
So how do you position your brand in each of the funnel stages? Where can you improve your processes? Every company has its own size, needs and objectives. The funnel does not have a fixed size or number of elements and is valid as long as there is something to sell.