As you start a dropshipping business, it's best to focus on a smaller section of a market that you can customize to suit your needs. For example, you could market to parents of children with cerebral palsy or to tattoo artists. What matters is that you try to find a market and a product that you already find interesting.
Conduct keyword research
To help you identify your niche or validate your idea about what a worthy niche vnpay database might be, do keyword research . You can use Google Trends, Google AdWords, or other keyword tools to find out if there is any search volume around the particular products you want to sell. The higher the search volume, the higher the demand for the product.
See what's selling online
Another way to find the top trending products right now is to look at various online listings already. You can check marketplaces like Amazon and eBay for their best-selling items.

Amazon Best Sellers
You can also refer to the keyword research you did in the previous step to determine whether something is popular or not.
Research your niche on various social media platforms. Start with the platforms that are most popular with your target audience. Pay close attention to patterns in the things that get the most engagement.
You can also use social listening tools to look into a particular niche and see what’s popular and engaging right now. These tools make it easy for you to align your message with their behavior and language, to create a truly personalized approach while building your brand.
shopping on instagram
Research your competition
Once you've decided on a potential niche to venture into, turn to Google, Amazon, eBay , etc. to see what the competition looks like. After all, chances are, many of them sell the same products you'll be selling.
You want some competition because it shows buyer demand. But too much competition, and you won't be able to stand out in the sea of noise.
Determine profitability
You need to know your market and your product… but that doesn’t mean you’re ready to sell just yet. You need to make sure your idea is profitable before you put all your resources into making it a reality.
Dropshipping margins are low, so you need to make sure you can actually make some money. SaleHoo recommends selling products that aren't seasonal and that you don't see major brands dominating. Shipping shouldn't be expensive and ideally sells for at least $15. Many high-value items fit this criteria, too.
Don’t be discouraged if you spend a lot of time on this step. It will take a long time, especially if you have to go through the process multiple times because you find a market that’s too niche or too saturated. Or you find a product that doesn’t have the profitability you need. But it’s getting this step right that sets the tone for the rest of your dropshipping business, so it’s important not to get so excited that you skip the step.