It is well known that marketing has become an essential part of companies, not only to meet their sales objectives, but also to build customer loyalty, keep the brand in the mind of the consumer and follow the trends and updates that appear every day around the world.
If we compare how strategies were previously developed to sell a product or service, we can see the great step that has been taken within marketing guidelines.
Previously, the processes were very invasive, requiring a great effort and a team of many people since the work had to be done in a face-to-face and 100% human manner.
The structures of large companies included hundreds of employees, especially in the marketing and sales areas , since each salesperson had to take care of their clients one by one and there were physical, time and geographical limitations.
Limitations that today, thanks to the Internet and globalization, are almost non-existent , because not only can we have clients around the world, but, with the help of digital tools, we can communicate at any time and in any language.
This is one of the main reasons why marketing has evolved so much in just a few years - and will continue to do so - however, when we have so many tools, resources and ideas, it is difficult to be able to choose only those that adapt to the real needs of our brand.
This is where the ability to create truly effective strategies comes into play, selecting which tools can enhance our efforts and achieve the stated objectives.
Inbound marketing is a great example of how a new methodology can be implemented so broadly that it can be used in any field and generate positive results.
Nowadays, it is quite easy to find thousands of inbound marketing examples that can be used as a reference for studying good practices.
Likewise, implementing inbound marketing for universities will allow future marketing directors to be trained with solid foundations and sufficient information to create innovative, creative and truly effective strategies.
But, while all this is happening and we continue to evolve, we want to share with you in this article some tips that will definitely be valuable for your brand.
1 Create effective marketing strategies with this manual
1.1 1. Research and segment your audiences
1.2 2. Define the objectives you need to achieve
1.3 3. Select the tools that will help you achieve your goals
1.4 4. Set a budget
1.5 5. Keep track of your actions
1.6 6. Prioritize user experience
Create effective marketing strategies with this manual1. Research and segment your audiences
You may have heard and read this hundreds of times in other articles about digital marketing.
But it is an absolute fact that if you do not know your italy phone number data udience, you do not know what their needs are and you have no idea how to please them, your strategies will fail no matter how creative they are or how much budget you have allocated for them.
Serving grilled meat to a vegan, selling kilos of sugar to someone with diabetes, offering winter clothing on a beach where the weather never drops below 35 degrees, are some clear examples of why knowing your audience is essential.
Once you know what they need, what they like, where they are located, what some of their purchasing habits are, and what kind of platforms they use, then you can start designing marketing strategies for them.
An unforgivable mistake today is to launch a product or service that is focused on what the brand wants and not on what the audience needs.