Violations in europeconsent and security measuresfailure to apply sms gateway iraq the principle of accountabilityand italy?The most frequent . Violations in europeleaving aside for a moment the scope of the sanctions, it is certainly . Interesting to analyze which violations are referred to in the different cases.White papercomplete guide to . Soc as a service: what it is and how it workssecurity risk managementdata protectionread the . Privacy policycompany emailit is clear that in most of the sanctioning proceedings the legal bases . Of the processing art. Have been contested, as well as the lack of definition of .

The principles regulating the same art. , the lack of information and consent art. Et . Seq. As well as, in a rather extensive manner, the lack of security measures art. . Including the by design approach art. And consequently the impossibility of demonstrating one's accountability art. . Also through tools such as the dpia art. As well as, last but not least, . The lack of recognition of the rights of the interested parties art. Et seq..The google . Case, for example the highest fine imposed was million euros, draws attention to the objections .
Under articles , , , , no. And of the law.The complaints mainly concerned the . Lack of a valid legal basis for processing users' personal data , as they could . Not clearly understand the purposes of the processing, the period of retention of their data . And in general all the information referred to in art. . The information was scattered . In various documents with buttons and links that had to be clicked to obtain further . Information regarding the processing of personal data . The relevant information was accessible only after .