Don't know what you need to do to make automation work for you when managing an e-commerce business? Here are some of the key points that will help e-commerce marketing automation get the results you expect:
1.- Simplify the tasks to be performed
For starters, proper ecommerce marketing automation requires that you make the entire process simple. Does a user need to go through several steps before they can buy one of your products? Can you really eliminate some of the steps in the purchase form? Is the opt-in a two-step process?
It is essential that you rethink each of the processes that your e-commerce visitors go through . business email lists uk And try to simplify them. Otherwise, it will be difficult to apply automation techniques.
So, first of all, you need to rethink all your processes. Draw them up on paper and try to separate what is absolutely essential from what is unnecessary. Once you have reduced what the user has to do to a minimum, it is time to analyse which phases of the process can be automated.
2.- Segment your users appropriately
Without segmentation, there is no automation . Or at least, there is no profit to be made from its application. The interesting thing about ecommerce marketing automation is not that there are tasks that can be performed automatically.
Send the right messages.
To the users who are really waiting for them.
At the moment when they are most receptive.
If one of these maxims is not met, automated marketing will not be effective. Hence the need for the e-commerce database to be segmented. The more and better filters you can implement, the better results you will achieve.
3.- Use a professional marketing automation platform
Technology is essential. Without it, it is not easy to carry out proper ecommerce marketing automation. Relying on a professional automated marketing platform like MDirector is essential to be able to take advantage of the potential of cookies.
Furthermore, only with the right tool will you be able to carry out the actions necessary to automate your e-commerce marketing. With MDirector you can trigger messages based on:
A specific date. For example, a birthday or any kind of anniversary related to a user.
Based on a specific subscriber's behavior.
Considering an event.
From there, it is time to create what is known in this automated marketing platform as scenarios. These involve the following elements:
Entry Points : These are the different ways in which a contact enters a scenario. This is the first thing you should indicate when creating it: when subscribing or opening an email, for example.
Actions : Once an entry point is created, the tasks that are performed based on these entry points arrive: Send an email or SMS, add labels, do something with a contact in the database, etc.
Conditions : These are things that allow you to do one thing or another depending on the subscriber's interaction with what happens within your emails or other external events.
4.- Create personalized content
One of the main mistakes when applying automation to marketing in an e-commerce is not dedicating the necessary efforts to generating optimized content for each of the flows and segments .
The true value of automated marketing lies in:
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