But did you know that it is recommended that even those contacts who seem lost receive specific marketing emails to help them reconnect? To understand the advantages of doing this and see an example of an email for inactive customers, continue reading this article and the tips in the following topics.
Why send email marketing to inactive customers
Example email to inactive customers
Why send email marketing to inactive customers
Contrary to what you might think, there is indeed an effectiveness in sending email marketing to reactivate inactive customers. They may have distanced themselves from your switzerland business fax list company for a number of reasons, so it is worth insisting on turning this contact into a potential customer again.

To do this, the best thing to do is to make an interesting offer, of course, as long as it is aligned with the profile of the company's target audience, including the particularities (if possible) of inactive customers. Likewise, the subject of the email should grab their attention.
To engage contacts who no longer interact with the content you send, it is also recommended to ask them what they would like to receive. This way, your company can better understand why they have stopped responding.
If the reason is a lack of interest in what is sent, this question may help to reverse the situation. Therefore, the strategy of winning back inactive customers should not stop after sending the first email. It is essential to meet their needs, according to the answer provided.
Email marketing example for inactive customers
Now, let’s look at an example of email marketing for inactive customers. You can apply it to your marketing strategy to convince them to keep communicating with your company:
Hello (inactive customer's first name), how are you?
Even though we send you our content, I noticed that you still haven't interacted with it.
It is likely that we made a mistake and for that we apologize.
But we would like to continue helping you (talk about the need your company meets, such as: maintaining quality of life and well-being, if your business offers products and services in this area).
To do so, I would like to better understand what you are looking for:
Feeding tips.
Physical exercise tips.
Tips on healthy habits.
Please reply to this email indicating which content you would prefer to receive so that we can contribute assertively to your health.
This is just an example of an email for inactive customers, and it can be adapted to the products and services that your business offers. Furthermore, if the contact does not respond after the first email, it is recommended to send it a few more times, without overdoing it, and respect a period of time between each email.
In addition to reactivating customers, it is also important for companies to attract new customers. Inbound Marketing strategies are a great help for this.