DivvyHQ - Create Thought Leadership & Lead Gen Momentum with Multi-Campaign Program

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DivvyHQ - Create Thought Leadership & Lead Gen Momentum with Multi-Campaign Program

Post by tanjimaju »

Situation: As an award-winning content planning and marketing software company, DivvyHQ wanted to elevate its reputation and more actively engage potential buyers.

Solution: A survey was conducted canada whatsapp number list to surface top challenges and insights around content planning and marketing, sparking a multi-campaign program focused on future-proofing content marketing that included over 30 marketing influencers.

Each of the 5 campaigns focused on content and influencers specific to the topic ranging from the research report to a strategy ebook to a series of video interviews about content planning.

The final campaign repurposed the “best of content” from the first 4 campaigns into an interactive microsite using a Back to the Future theme. Each campaign was supported by blog posts, organic social content, influencer promotion, and some paid social.


Results: Each campaign exceeded goals including 300% more downloads of the research report, hitting some KPI goals within a week of publishing, thousands of video views, new relationships with top marketing industry influencers and 140% of one conversion KPI within a week of publishing.

3. Introhive - Improve Lead Quality with Influencer Insights and Research
The Growing Trend of B2B Influencer Marketing - 10 Brands Doing it Right
Situation: The legal industry has been slow to adopt Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, something that Introhive, an automation solutions provider wanted to change.

Solution: With the goals of raising awareness and leads from the legal community, Introhive wanted to engage the audience they were marketing to through an industry survey and insights.

The survey identified the top challenges and Introhive designed a Playbook to solve those problems with a combination of brand insight and expertise from speakers at the industry’s Legal Marketing Association event. During the conference, the contributors shared the playbook and Introhive promoted it using the event hashtag.

Additional pieces of the content mix included 12 blog posts, landing page, organic and influencer social shares, paid social and email promotions.

Results: Improved marketing qualified lead quality, more playbook downloads in the first month than in the entire lifetime of previous reports, nearly 50% of all brand blog content views for the quarter, 85% increase in new X followers.
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