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Here we analyzed which keywords generate more sales

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 4:24 am
by rakibhasan542
Filtering keywords for Search campaigns .

For example, advertising for the query "English language" did not produce results, but the key phrases "home schooling" and "family schooling" worked. Programming develops technical skills, and learning languages ​​- communicative ones. Most likely, parents who focus on the humanities are simply not interested in programming.

3. Tracking audiences by region using UTM tags, and targeted industry database tracking device type: mobile, PC, tablet . Using this parameter, we tracked which regions and cities were sending higher-quality requests. For example, we tracked that advertising in Kazan paid off 2 times worse than advertising in Perm, although requests were cheaper.

One of the problems we encountered during the work process was related to incorrect qualification of leads. By the way, we were never able to fix it.

The sales department considered a qualified lead to be a user who left a valid phone number, even if they were not reached. In fact, a quallead is a real person who actually left a request. That is, they filled out the form, picked up the phone, and confirmed that they were waiting for a call back. This discrepancy prevented us from optimizing campaigns for qualleads, so we worked on the next stage of the funnel: we tracked the path from quallead to lesson registration and adjusted according to the "lesson registration" metric.


According to the OP, the Quallead is how sales managers calculated qualifications. The real Quallead is the indicator we were guided by.

In 1.5 months, the marketing campaign achieved a ROMI of 240%. This is the average result for all working advertising campaigns. Then, as the budget increased, the indicators continued to grow. However, in the spring of 2024, the payback in Yandex.Direct began to decline due to changes in the algorithms. The platform changed its approach to optimization. Now, despite the fact that the campaign is set up for conversions, real optimization occurs by clicks.

The average ROMI for infobusiness in Yandex.Direct is currently no more than 50%. To reach 200%, you need to change the strategy, perhaps update the sales funnel, expand the product line, try other formats. For example, you can try to make a cheaper product that allows the user to understand what he is paying for and prepare for a more expensive purchase.

We also need to work closely with LTV, as this is the easiest way to increase the project's payback. The longer the buyer stays with us, the more profit he will bring.