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What is the goal? What am I working toward?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 10:27 am
by Rajulk985
Productivity, if it only precipitates productivity, will produce productivity, which will still only produce productivity, and so on.

On a similar note, the point can’t be work, work, work… it will keep on producing more work until your day ends with a much longer to-do list than when you started.

And if you follow this model, there will be no more life remaining to balance with your work.

Being aware of the point is possibly the most critical thing you can b2b email list faq do for your business. Identify why you’re doing what you’re doing.

Ask yourself the following questions:

How will I know when I get there? What will it look like?
When I get there, what happens next?
Here’s a screenshot from that Chris Reeves post:

a Better Work Life Balance
Figure out your point, and you’ll have no trouble finding motivation when you need it.


3. Get rid of perfectionism.

Most workaholics develop perfectionist habits at a young age when demands on their time are limited to hobbies, school, and maybe some after-school activities.

As a kid, it’s a lot easier to maintain that habit of being a perfectionist, but as you grow up, life becomes more challenging.

As your family grows and you climb the ladder at work, your responsibilities increase, and perfectionism skyrockets. In her book, The Office Survival Guide, Marilyn Puder-York states that, “if the perfectionism habit is left unchecked, it can become destructive.”