Marketing metrics for apps are one of the most important aspects to take into account when launching an application on the market.
Thanks to them, you will be able to carry out a successful advertising and marketing strategy , thus ensuring that your application achieves the results you expect.
It has often happened that an app emerges that goes viral and after a few weeks it is already forgotten by users.
This is quite common because when creating these apps a lot is invested in their development and they are not promoted properly or followed up after their launch.
In other words, it is very important that you are clear that guatemala email list 490124 contact leads an application is a business project like any other, so the first thing you should do is develop an App Marketing strategy .
In the following article we will explain everything you need to know about the main Marketing metrics for apps. You will see that this material will be useful for making your app a real success. Don't miss it!
6 Marketing Metrics for Apps
Defining metrics will play a fundamental role in the success of your app in the market. Marketing metrics for apps are also used in Inbound Marketing strategies , but in this case we are going to focus on these channels.
Template to accompany metrics!
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1. User engagement
Within app marketing metrics, users are very important, as they tell you which ones are active in your app and beyond being active, which ones really have a romantic relationship, so to speak, with your app.
In other words, it will allow you to measure the engagement your users have with your application.
This way you can identify your users and segment them, more easily locating those with a lower level of engagement and defining strategies to attract and retain them more .
It will also help you improve your strategies and get undecided users to end up downloading your app.