1. Sole proprietor
This is the simplest form of business structure available. However, I quickly ruled it out due to its major disadvantage: you are personally responsible for all business debts. As someone starting a new business, I wanted to minimize my personal risk as much as possible, so this option did not suit my needs.
2. Single-member private limited company (Sociedade Unipessoal por Quotas)
This structure presented a more attractive option for my consideration. Its usa number list main advantage is the clear division between personal liability and business liability. Under this structure, I would be able to operate as the sole owner while maintaining personal risk in the event of business failure.
3. Private Limited Company (Sociedade por Quotas)
Ultimately, this structure proved to be the most suitable for my situation, as I planned to work with a partner. This form allows both of us to contribute capital, with our liability limited to the amount of our investment. It is worth noting that this is the most common structure option for SMEs in Portugal.
This is the structure I ultimately chose because it provided the best balance of liability protection and partnership opportunities for my specific business needs.
Registration Process
The process of registering a company in Portugal follows a logical sequence, but each stage requires careful attention to detail and proper documentation. Here is a comprehensive introduction to each step:
Available business structures
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