Strategic analysis is essential to ensure good guidance for decision-making and goal setting in companies.
Evaluating the effectiveness of your business strategies is essential to ensure you are on the right track.
With this in mind, let's explore here what a strategic analysis is and what its importance is, as well as learning about the main techniques available.
The daily routine of running a business is full of big and small decisions. These are the ones that, little by little, will shape the path that the company will take and determine the level of success that can be achieved.
In order for these decisions to be effective, since they cannot fiji email list 91533 contact leads be the result of purely intuitive thoughts or assumptions, it is essential to have an analytical basis to corroborate such actions. This is precisely where strategic analysis comes into play.
In this article we are going to show you a definition for the concept and explain why it is so important to apply it in your company.
In addition, we will present you 5 different types of analysis, explaining when and how they should be applied. Enjoy reading!
What is strategic analysis?
Strategic analysis refers to the study of a company's internal and external environment, with the aim of evaluating its present and future components.
From it, it is possible to structure a scientifically-based strategy in order to facilitate the achievement of a specific goal, whether it be market growth, increased sales with Inside Sales , decreased costs with advertising , etc.
It is a way of investigating, analyzing and mapping the particularities present in the scope of an organization.
In this way, opportunities and areas that need improvement are easily visualized, as well as areas with satisfactory performance.
For a well-done analysis, it is essential that the company establishes what it is and represents, as well as what it wishes to represent. For this, the concepts of mission, vision and values are widely used. Let's understand them:
mission : the fundamental purpose of a company;
vision : what she longs to achieve in the near future;
values : the ethical and moral principles that the company undertakes to respect .
With these points clearly defined, there are various types of analysis that can serve the purpose of evaluating the company's current approach and indicating possible alternatives.
We will talk a little more about this later in the text. First, let's focus on the structural pattern of the entire strategic analysis.