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Avoid time-sucking black holes

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 6:21 am
by ahbappy250
Another way to avoid wasting time is to avoid the “ Diary Waltz ”. How many times have you tried to get everyone to agree on a meeting date and time?!

You know, right? When you have to fit in your schedules and find the right time to talk to a client or your collaborators, for example.

The problem is that meetings are managed via db telegram email, a slow and ineffective tool for this type of activity.

Wouldn't it be easier if we had an automated, real-time system for people to book appointments in our diary?

What tool can you use to automate your agenda?

Calendly is a tool created with the aim of simplifying the organization of your agenda. This tool integrates perfectly with the Google suite or with Office 365 and is able to plan multiple agendas, that is, for an entire team.

This means that everyone will know at a glance when is the best time to book a meeting with you.

In the free version, you have a link to share or the option to embed your online agenda into a web page. In the paid plans, among other things, you can automatically send reminder emails to prevent people from “forgetting” about the meeting.

In 3 words : an effective, automatic and fundamental solution.

6. Automate business management
Paper invoices have been dead for years now. Your accountant will surely have already told you about them, but I still want to show you a very effective tool for this management.


We work hard, every day, to earn. And if we DON'T invoice, we don't earn. But invoicing and checking the accounts is an activity that requires your time. Once again.

This is why it is important to automate this aspect of your work as well.

What tool can you use to automate invoicing?