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which can attract more business

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 5:20 am
by zelhaque
First, it's vital to understand your audience by stepping into their shoes. Think about the problem they’re facing and the solution they’re searching for.

Writing PPC ads from only your brand's viewpoint won’t win you many customers. Instead, find out what matters most to them and approach ad copy from that perspective.
Speak Directly to Your Audience
Use “you” and “your” in the ad copy to make your audience customer phone number list feel like you're speaking directly to them. Doing this can also make your company appear personable, friendly, and helpful,
Use Compelling Headlines
The headline of your PPC ad is the first thing that potential customers will see, so it needs to grab their attention and entice them to click. Use strong, compelling language and highlight the unique selling points of your product or service.
Tap Into Emotions
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou

Positive and negative emotions are powerful so don’t be afraid to use them in your ad copy. It’s natural for people to want to avoid stress, anxiety, or FOMO (fear of missing out) as well as seek joy, hope, or relief. Whichever emotional trigger you use in the ad, make sure to communicate that your product or service is the solution.
Add Numbers to Draw Attention
Add one or two numbers in your ad copy because statistics and figures draw attention and can increase CTR by making the ad look more authoritative.


You can incorporate numbers in the ad copy by showing the product’s price or advertising a sale. Another option is to use a statistic about your business such as the number of products that have been sold or customers you’ve helped.
Leverage Ad Extensions
Don’t let ad space go to waste — use it all to maximize your ad’s message. In addition to the headline and body copy, remember to leverage ad extensions.