April 23, 2021 0:00
Three Cases of Targeted Advertising: How to Find a Difficult AudienceKsenia Klimchukova
Evangelist of PromoPult
Co-founder of the Klimchukovy agency
Case 1: Six steps to successful advertising in the low season
Case 2: How to scare away elves and leave the whatsapp number list regions Case 3: Travel agency with a non-standard audience

Ksenia Klimchukova, a social media advertising specialist and owner of her own online advertising agency. In this article, she will share three cases with difficult tasks:
How to attract customers during the low demand season using the example of dentistry.
Is it possible to overcome the crooked geotargeting of social networks?
How to exclude unwanted audiences from your advertising campaign and find people with specific interests.
Case 1: Six Steps to Successful Advertising in Low Season
The project objective: to attract clients to the dentistry and smooth out the "dead season" through the social network Vkontakte.
The solution was planned to be implemented in three stages:
create a profitable offer,
display it in banners,
find the target audience.
The main difficulty of the case is the vague target audience; cosmetic dentistry may be needed by a wide variety of people.
Step 1: Create a compelling offer
The client wanted to sell three services:
Artistic restoration.
Installation of braces.
Services vary greatly in cost. Cleaning is cheap and easy to sell. People may agree to it from the first click if the price and location of the clinic are acceptable, and the site inspires confidence. Artistic restoration is a complex and more expensive service. Braces are also not cheap, and treatment with them requires at least a year of visits to the clinic.
The benefit that the dentistry offered to the client was the quality of the services, as well as a fairly low price. This is what needed to be shown in the creatives.
Step 2. Display the offer in banners
We decided to start with artistic restoration. Vkontakte allows you to show works before and after, unlike Facebook. We went all out. We made a number of banners with good work:
simple, before/after principle, with a low price indication
with an allegory, as in the banner on the right with a laptop and a typewriter.
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In Vkontakte we work through PromoPult . Canva is connected to it and free parsing is provided, which turned out to be very useful. But we will talk about this later.
Step 3. Select the target audience
To do this, you need to answer the question “Who is the client and why should he contact this clinic?” Obviously, there will be completely different target audiences for three different dental services.
I had a case during a training course. One of my students, a representative of a beauty salon, set up advertising for all women. When I asked why she did not use any targeting, she said: "Because all women go to beauty salons." In fact, not everyone goes to salons and advertising should find exactly those who do. Otherwise, most of the money will be wasted.
How can we identify a target audience if we know practically nothing about it?
With the bracketing service, it is relatively simple in terms of targeting. There are groups on Vkontakte, where people with braces discuss how the process is going for them. Beginners also come there to read about what awaits them. They are at the stage of choosing, where they can be hooked by the same parsing. Naturally, there will be an error, but at least there are hooks in interests.
As for cleaning and restoration, we did not find any groups where people with not very whole and not very clean teeth would share their problems. Therefore, we had to launch advertising to a wide audience.
In this case, the most important thing was to decide on the time when to show the advertising. On VKontakte, it is inconvenient to stretch the budget over the day. If the campaign runs around the clock, it can roll up before lunch, and most of the day will be idle. It is necessary to allocate time intervals when people most often visit the clinic.
We had data from the client - metrics. Plus, we launched a test campaign for two days - Sunday and Monday, a weekend and a weekday. We assessed at what time people call more often, leave requests and, in general, click on advertising more actively.
Step 4. Divide the target audience into groups
From the client's words, we were able to determine only the age of the target audience: from 25 to 40 years old.
Since there were no other clues on what to look for in need of restoration, we decided to take a broad interest in VKontakte - beauty and health. Then we divided the audience:
by gender,
time of the advertising campaign.
And they presented creative ideas in each of the groups.
In total, there were 36 ads: 12 for 3 advertising campaigns. Below is an example of an advertising campaign that ran from 13:00 to 15:00.
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Similar campaigns ran from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM and from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Automation made our difficult journey a little easier, but there was still a lot of manual work. Daily costs ranged from 3,600 to 5,000 rubles.
Step 5. Conduct test runs
They lasted 3-4 days, after which we identified the most interesting audiences. We were able to understand which of this huge variety of segments showed the most interest. The slide shows the desired audiences in color: