If you look at the image below, you’ll see how important canadian phone number list free the opinion of your consumers is, and more to the point, how much consumers demand of brands. Gone are the days when just having a good product was enough. Now consumers want ethical concerns met, greater personalization, and to see brands support causes they care about.

A good way to establish who your target audience is, is to start by asking yourself questions.
For example:
What demographic are you aiming your products at?
What are their interests/hobbies/jobs/interests?
Are these the same people that your competitors are aiming their products at?
How are your competitors trying to appeal to them?
How do your competitors’ brand presence compare with yours?
Which online platforms do your audience prefer?
How present is your brand on these platforms?
How present are your competitors?
Of course there are many more questions that you might want to ask to get a picture of your target audience, in relation to how your brand comes across to them.