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Inbound Academy: +300 Marketing enthusiasts changing history

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 4:23 am
by Tingli
This Thursday, April 16, we held the first Inbound academy in Ecuador and we are very excited to tell you that it was a complete success.

A top-notch panel that included Marketing Assistant Managers, Agency CEOs and successful entrepreneurs were in charge of inspiring all attendees to change the world.

The best thing is that we have recorded everything on video and you will soon be able to find it on this blog:
A talk by Santiago Peralta, winner of 11 international awards with Pacari c level or decision maker email list Chocolate, who teaches us that trust and a good story to tell are the best creators of marketing and sales.


What will happen in 2015 in the digital world from the perspective of the CEO of FHIOS, a Spanish technology conglomerate, represented by Diego Jaramillo .

The adventures of managing huge brands in the country by Roberto Esteves (Assistant Marketing Manager, Banco de Guayaquil), Andrés Dueñas , Digital Marketing Manager (KFC) and Pablo Hernández (Head of Digital Media, Publipromueve).

All this with the comments of the Ibarra-Canadian Matthew Carpenter-Arévalo , CEO of Céntrico Digital who directed the Digital Marketing experiences forum in Ecuador.

Andrés López (Digital Marketing – UDLA) with a vision of everything that can be done digitally and the 2 most interesting surprises:

The task and calling of David Torres , HubSpot strategist , who visited us from Boston to share best practices on Inbound Marketing directly from the company that created this philosophy.

Adriana Albán , our Inbound Marketing director and creator of the event, with the launch of the State of Marketing in Ecuador , a study conducted with more than 300 Ecuadorian CEOs and CMOs with the answers to these key questions:

How far along are we?
Who makes marketing decisions?
Are our strategies in line with what CEOs and customers are looking for?
We will gradually publish each one's presentations and videos, wait for them here.

On the other hand, it was an honor for the University of the Americas and Hiperestrategia to organize the first Inbound Academy in Ecuador .

Thank you to all the attendees and people who followed the event on social media for all the love! ( we were a trending topic on Twitter for several hours !)