You have to think of hosting as the foundation of a house. When the foundation is good, you don't notice the problems in the long term. If not, sooner or later there will be problems in the growth of the project.
A good hosting is one that you don't notice is there.
Another cost of daily business is the cost of sales itself . From managing potential sales to shipping and returns.
Depending on the type of product, you russian email address list can have a more direct approach to the customer or a more passive one . In the case of, for example, the average ticket price is €500, so they have a more direct and commercial approach to the customer (calls, advice, etc.). Who buys a €900 dirt bike online without asking?
In the case of a team behind each sale advising clients, that time or salary must be taken into account. Although a large part of the process is automatable with email sending, there is always a part that is not.
Payment gateways are not free either. They usually have a commission on each sale or an installation or maintenance cost . So you have to subtract it from the price of the product. There are many alternatives for payment gateways:

Redsys: Direct connection with the bank
Paypal: Private service for card payments
Stripe: Private service for card payments
Cash on delivery: Payment in hand when making a shipment
Transfer: Direct transfer from the client
Bizum: Payment with Bizum application
Online Financial Institutions (Payin7, Sequra, etc.)
There are many others and depending on your type of client, you may be more interested in some than others. And not all of them have a cost such as transfer or collection in store with payment in hand.
Online financial institutions greatly increase the purchase intention for high-priced products.
Once you have chosen your purchasing process, whether active or passive, and the payment gateways, all that remains is shipping management.
Product Shipments
If they are not digital products, you must consider the shipping of the products. Each shipment involves an additional cost