Why do people bounce?

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Why do people bounce?

Post by ahbappy250 »

Bounce Rate vs. Exit Rate
The exit rate is similar to the bounce rate , with one major difference:

Bounce rate is the percentage of people who arrive on a page and leave; exit rate , on the other hand, is the percentage of people who leave a specific page, even if they didn’t arrive on that page in the first place.

For example, let's say someone lands on page A db center whatsapp number of your site and a few seconds later clicks the Back button on their browser.

This is a rebound.

Let's say instead that someone lands on page A of your site and then clicks on to page B.Since the user clicked somewhere on page A, we can't consider this a bounce to page A. And since he didn't initially land on page B, it's not a bounce to page B either.


That said, because that person left your site on page B, your page B exit rate will increase in Google Analytics.

If you notice a page on your site with a very high exit rate, you have a problem worth solving.

Here is a comparison between bounce rate and exit rate.Before we get into specific steps to reduce bounce rate, it’s important to understand the most common reasons why people bounce from a website.
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