Toyota was a pioneer in applying this system of reviewing each of its production phases. We will tell you what the method consists of.
If your car breaks down, you take it to the garage to find out what the fault is and repair it. The same thing happens in companies. In a production chain or in a business process, it is essential to locate each fault in the system , to solve the problem and for the chain to function normally. Otherwise, economic losses, inventory losses or losses in the quality of the final product can occur.
Failures can occur in any production chain or business process, and often go unnoticed. Although sometimes detecting the failure and finding the right solution is effortless, in other cases finding the cause of the problem is complex.
Start of marked textTWEET IT! Discover the '5 M' method to detect and solve problems at each stage of production. How? We'll tell you! End of marked text
Where to start to detect incidents in the production process?
Root cause analysis is defined as the process of discovering the causes of problems in order to identify appropriate solutions. For example, if I detect that my company's customer satisfaction has decreased ( problem ), I can study the various causes . These could be, for example, a lack of staff training or insufficient resources. In this way, I can find a precise solution (training for employees, hiring staff, etc.).
But finding the cause of the problem in business oil and gas email list processes is not that simple. The first questions that will arise are: where can I start? Or what should I look for?
The key to locating the cause of a problem
To begin with, finding the solution requires asking the right question: how can I approach the problem in a methodical and structured way ?
The answer to this question involves locating the fault in the process using specific analysis methods . However, finding the cause requires going a little further than asking questions to explore the cause-effect relationships that generate a particular problem.

How did the '5 M' method come about?
This method is also called Ishikawa diagram or fishbone diagram . It consists of a graphical representation of the causes of a given problem and its effects. It was created by Professor Kaoru Ishikawa and has numerous applications such as project management or problem detection.
The '5 M' technique was developed by Toyota during the evolution of its manufacturing methodologies that would lead to the Toyota Production System . The success of its production line model created an error detection system that optimizes quality through constant improvement and the elimination of waste.