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How to identify the buyer persona?

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 5:07 am
by nurnobi24
A buyer persona is a profile or representation of a brand's ideal customer, its products or services. It is based on research and data from leads and customers and allows you to create an image of the customer, what they do, their motivations and their goals. Defining a buyer persona helps brands focus their marketing efforts on the profile, tastes, interests and tendencies of potential and most likely customers.

By defining and understanding the target audience, brands can design and develop more effective marketing campaigns, create attractive and valuable content, and position their products or services more efficiently.

Also known as an avatar, the buyer persona is a fictional character, created from real data, that represents the brand's ideal customer. The goal is to create a profile that brings together the main characteristics of the customers, this will allow the brand to create strategies capable of positively impacting the audience to boost the volume of customer conversion.

However, it is important to know that a brand does not have just one buyer persona, since the description of an avatar represents a market segment, that is, a type of customer, so it is possible for a brand to have several buyer personas, which are divided into two categories:

Main buyer persona: This is the avatar to which the brand will direct most of its marketing efforts, since it is they who make the purchasing decisions. It is vital for a brand to define its main buyer persona, because without a correct definition, marketing campaigns may be ineffective.
Secondary buyer personas: these are those who influence the purchase decision of the main buyer persona. They do not make the purchase decision, but are important for this action to gambling data brazil be carried out. Among them, the following stand out:
Prescriber: This is the avatar that has the power to convince the main buyer persona to make the purchase, for example, a doctor who prescribes a treatment to his patient.
Influencer: a person whose opinion can positively or negatively influence a purchasing decision, for example a YouTuber.
Relevant aspects to identify the buyer persona


To identify the buyer personas of a brand, product or service, it is necessary to create a complete image of who they are. To do so, the following aspects must be considered:

Demographics: gender, age, education level, average income.
Psychographic data: personality, attitudes, beliefs.
Reasons why they interact with the brand and buy its products or services. Main purpose.
Place where they buy products or services: physical store, online store, discount stores.
Purchase frequency.
How the product or service is used: features important to the customer.
Forms of communication: email, chat, social media, print media.
Analyzing and bringing together these aspects helps to identify buyer personas, which allows for establishing direct communication with them to provide them with information that helps them discover their needs and how to solve them through the brand's products or services.