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How to generate a secure password and remember it

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 4:54 am
by nurnobi24
Security on the web depends on many important factors, but if one were to ask where does that security begin?, such an answer if it existed, could be said that it begins with the password , since the knowledge of the keys by hackers, is the main cause of security breaches on websites. So, what is chinese overseas australia database a secure password? The answer can also be varied, but in my opinion it would be one in which no stranger to the site can manage to obtain it , from dates and names of your relatives or other combinations easy to find out, through means such as logical deductions or computer algorithms.

So, how to generate a secure password and remember it? It's a difficult question since it has many answers, depending on each person. I will try to narrow down the answer by a means that I call common sense and this will depend on the capacity of how many keys can be retained in memory and remember them in the appropriate place and time without having a mishap. As for how to generate a secure password, I will only suggest some of them, but you can also do research on the web, considering that there is a lot of information there that deals with this topic, I suggest you investigate and stick with a method that suits you. Some of them may be:


1.- Password generation manager: These are password generating software that are on the web, for online use. Browsers have this service at a basic level, they generate the keys and store them for when you need them. There are others that provide additional services, such as helping you manage them or notifying you if they are not secure. Some of these generators are:

2.- Generate your own keys:

If this is your case, then to manage your passwords you must consider how many you can retain in your memory without crashing, one method could be the following:

Create one or more key patterns, with a number greater than about 6 characters and that are difficult to guess. These key patterns will be the ones you should memorize and never forget. Remember that the number should be in accordance with your memorizing capacity.
Add a prefix and/or suffix.
The prefix could be according to the name of the site you want to access. For example, if you want to access your gmail email, then the prefix would be gm and if you also use a suffix, then it could be mg (inverted).
Try our secure password generator

3.- Generate a key for each need:

In this case, password management becomes more complex, but you can put them in order by memorizing only those that you use the most, of course according to your capacity for passwords that you can retain. Manage the rest in an Excel spreadsheet, backing up this file on a pendrive, which you should have on hand for when you need it. For security reasons, never store this backup on your PC or on a mobile phone.