Mediapost bets on Smart Cities and Sustainable Development

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Mediapost bets on Smart Cities and Sustainable Development

Post by rabia829 »

Smart Cities are already a reality. Smart Cities that strive to build a bridge through technological innovations focused on the development of mobility , management of natural resources , energy efficiency , e-Government and citizen participation . However, Spain is still a virgin in these areas: only 0.06% of Spanish municipalities can be considered a Smart City .

For this reason, Mediapost is delighted to present an international conference in favour of the proliferation of this new urban modality: SmartCities and Sustainable Development . fantuan phone number data This symposium will take place from 21 to 23 November at the Cuenca Auditorium (Castilla-La Mancha) and will feature the representation of numerous world leaders aligned with the idea of ​​smart cities as the fundamental pillar of a new economic model.


The conference aims to actively promote the adoption of sustainable policies and proposals through these smart cities , revolving around three main areas : E-Government and SmartCities , Urban Competitiveness : ICT and Urban Development : Transport Sector.

Among the speakers who will participate in the event is our 'essential' Miguel Ángel Moratinos , recently appointed by the United Nations as one of the 15 world experts in Sustainable Development, being named member of the SDSN (Sustainable Development Solutions Network) and President of the United Nations Think Tank ( CIRSD ).

Likewise, authorities such as Vuk Jeremic (President of the 67th UN General Assembly), María Teresa Fernández de la Vega (President of the 'Women for Africa' Foundation and former First Vice President of the Government), Markos Kyprianou (former Minister of Finance and Foreign Affairs of Cyprus), Pedro Sánchez (Secretary General of the PSOE), Juan Ávila (Mayor of Cuenca), Shaukat Aziz (former Prime Minister of Pakistan), Jesús Hernández-Galán (Director of Universal Accessibility at the ONCE Foundation) or Mario Rodríguez (Executive Director of Greenpeace) will complete the list of speakers who will meet in the city of the Hanging Houses.

From Mediapost and Ideas Imprescindibles , as collaborators of the event, we want to show our most sincere support and we trust that these will be perfect days to cultivate a sustainable spirit based on a regional approach that addresses the different realities that countries face and how SmartCities can influence them.
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