Every consumer has their preferences when it comes to buying and consuming products and services. To find out how they act in relation to retail, consumers are divided into the different generations that exist. Generation Z behaves in one way and Boomers in another, since the ways of buying change over time. Through the V Mediapost Relationship Marketing Study , we reached some conclusions such as, for example, Boomers are more aware of local commerce , physical stores and proximity . For their part, Generation Z are linked to the Internet and seek to be part of a loyalty club .
At Mediapost we tell you how consumers deal with retail .
Local commerce vs online commerce
One of the questions that arises around paytm database commerce is whether in the future physical stores will cease to exist and everything will be done through the Internet. This means that shipping systems will have to work to be efficient, so logistics will play an important role in the purchase of products.
The advantages of online commerce over local, physical commerce are the following:
More economical and easier to maintain : no need to pay monthly rent or hire a team of employees.
Automation : There is the possibility for e-commerce to carry out certain projects automatically, which improves productivity and saves time.
Reach a larger audience : By being able to access from anywhere, you can reach more customers who live in different areas. With a physical store, you only reach the public near the area.
The advantages of local commerce over online commerce are these:
See the product : Many customers feel the need to know what products are like, their textures, to touch them. In short, to feel them and not just see them through a screen. For example, this happens a lot with clothes, since seeing them is not the same as trying them on, touching them and seeing if they are comfortable and do not cause any type of allergic reaction or itching.
Community building : Businesses facilitate the creation of communities in a municipality or neighborhood. A neighborhood with local businesses creates a sense of life and movement in a neighborhood where there are only houses. As social beings that we are, we like to talk to people and see them face to face, something that is colder and harder to achieve with e-commerce.
Exclusivity : Local and small businesses often offer exclusive, high-quality products. This is why some consumers, especially Boomers, prefer brick-and-mortar stores to online stores.