Before using this marketing tool, it is important to note that insurance companies have two very important advantages. First, they have extensive databases, and second, they can be segmented according to the needs of their clients.
Therefore, in order to take advantage of all the potential that these databases can have, we will give you some safe email marketing tips .
How does email marketing work?
BluCactus - email marketingEmail marketing works best, especially when it comes to an insurance company. It is common for people to use the Internet to search for what they want to buy, and there are many insurance agencies that have not yet understood this.
Therefore, in order for you to start gaining chinese overseas africa phone number data more visibility , the first step is to digitize your insurance company. That is, in addition to starting to use email marketing , you must have a website where you provide relevant information about your services to reach potential customers.
Email marketing has become one of the best ways to build trust and offer your services as an insurance company. If you want to generate more leads and increase the number of policyholders to boost your income, pay attention to the tips we will offer you below.
Email marketing tips for insurance companies
BluCactus - email marketingMarketing campaigns carried out via email for an insurance company are not as difficult as they seem.
The secret is to take into account several details and be very creative. Likewise, it is important to have the help of a good campaign manager to meet the objectives set in an insurance company.
In fact, so that your insurance company runs on the right foot, as marketing experts we want to give you some tips that will be very useful when creating an email marketing campaign :
Find a good campaign manager
BluCactus - email marketingWe start with this tip because otherwise your campaign is likely to fail. Likewise, when we talk about a campaign manager, we are referring to those web applications that can help you develop a campaign from start to finish.
For example, companies like MailChimp offer excellent features that can be used to personalize emails and templates, as well as to control spam. Likewise, through this application we can automate processes and obtain information from the analysis of our campaigns.

So we can know if a good job is being done and if there are some parameters that need to be changed.
Remember that the use of email is not free.
BluCactus - email marketingWhat are we getting at with this point? If you really want to manage an email campaign, it would be logical to provide something of value. In fact, for an email to be taken into account by the user and not go straight to the recycle bin, you must be aware that doing things right has a price.
That is to say, building a list with quality users , creating registration forms to be inserted on the web and creating an eye-catching and measurable email, requires learning that to be obtained you must invest in it.
However, although certain applications make this task easier or can be delegated to someone, if you want to make an insurance broker email marketing campaign you should consider this point.
Learn how to determine the indicators you should measure
There are two key indicators to determine if you are running a good email marketing campaign or not:
The first is the open rate. This is the percentage of users who actually open the email to read its content.
And the second is the click rate . These are the people who click on any link in the email. Typically, for marketing campaigns in insurance companies, the opening rate is usually 14% , while the click rate can be 1.5%. Now, it is important to note that there is an average in campaigns regardless of the sector, and it is usually 19.05% for the opening rate, and 3% for the click rate. However, the percentages can be lower in the insurance sector and the reason is that these companies, some time ago, did not use marketing for a good action plan.
Don't send emails to just anyone This is a very common mistake that you cannot make. For your message to be effective, you should never send emails to just anyone in your database. Ideally, both the message and the person receiving it should be aligned, so emails should be segmented based on their profile. To do this, it is also important that you follow anti-spam rules and have the user's permission to send the email without any problem.
Focus on sending what the customer wants to read First of all, we must remember that marketing is not sold directly and that is why, whatever the tool used, such as email marketing or social networks, we must know that customers flee from companies or brands that only care about selling .
Stand out with your subject lines The subject line you add to your email will be essential to ensure that it is opened and not deleted immediately. That is why, in order to have a good subject line, we must consider several ideas that can attract recipients. The good news is that there are web tools such as the one mentioned above (MailChimp), with which you can compare the results of each email to find out what works and what doesn't. Also, you should not forget that many users tend to open emails from a mobile device and subject lines will be limited by having few characters. Therefore, a very long subject line for an email will not be able to be read completely from a mobile device. As a consequence, it will lose interest and may be deleted.
The sender must have a first and last name This statistic will be of interest to you. It has been proven that when the sender of the email has a first and last name, instead of a company name, the opening rates have a potential increase. For this reason, as marketing experts, we recommend that, if you want to be successful, you avoid including the name of your insurance agency. Why? Because it is more attractive for customers to deal with people.
BluCactus - email marketingInsert images into your messages Images make your messages look more visual, which generates more interest and increases click-through rates. Nowadays, sales emails or emails for potential customers are often more successful when they are plain and without images. It should also be noted that some recipients do not allow incoming emails to automatically display images. In this case, images should not be incorporated into the message as such, but rather as a visual aid.
Take the appropriate measurements Experimenting to make efficient use of email marketing is certainly worth it. That's why you can try different subject lines, add or remove images, and do all the A/B tests you want . In fact, it doesn't matter how many tests you run as long as the result is close to your goals . This way you can easily measure each of the changes you implement.