Contrary to what their name suggests, environmental factors are not related to the environment, but they can be markers of the success or failure of a project.
Specifically, Alejandro Pérez , CEO of CEOLEVEL , a website specializing in training in the field of projects, defines environmental factors at the organizational level as "all those circumstances that surround the project and that can impact/condition it (either positively or negatively)."
This expert points out that an intrinsic characteristic of fantuan database these factors is that they are difficult or impossible to modify . For example, a law that must be complied with in the execution of a project.
Some internal factors that Pérez mentions are: work ethics and hours, availability of resources, company culture or employee capacity , among others.
Market conditions and legal restrictions are two examples of external factors that influence the successful implementation of the project. Early identification of both internal and external factors helps to overcome these circumstances.
"If we have not identified them correctly at the beginning of the project, they can have a very negative impact on us (imagine that halfway through the project we realise that we had to comply with a legal regulation of the country of which we had no prior knowledge)", warns Pérez.
The worst consequences could be a delay or cost overrun in the project, or even its cancellation.
All those professionals who wish to deepen their knowledge in order to obtain the tools and skills necessary to successfully develop a project will find numerous programs sponsored by FUNIBER for this purpose. One of the courses offered is the specialization in Project Design and Management .
Source: Do you already know the Environmental Factors that affect your projects?
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