Every day, we have the opportunity to learn about new and fascinating projects and the people who lead them. You learn something from all of them, you analyze them, you explore them, and you try to improve them, so we want to share the keys that can help you start your business and lay its foundations properly.
Now, to start a business, it is no longer enough to be good, now you have to be BETTER THAN YOUR COMPETITION.
Are you looking for motivation from your business?
Find a business where you can differentiate yourself
Put your ideas in order. Plan
Find the perfect partner (if you need one)
Don't neglect financing
The image is fundamental
Think about your marketing strategy (ONline and OFFline)
Tip 1 for entrepreneurship: Find something that motivates you in your business
Don't expect a job to be provided for you. If that's what it's all about, it's a bad thing. It will require a lot of decisions, a lot of hours, a lot of effort... If you don't feel motivated and passionate about what you do, it will be difficult for you to inspire your clients, and it will be difficult for you to find the energy you need when the bad times come, which every business does.
Although it may seem obvious, don't believe me, I assure you that it is not so. Sometimes, I have seen people who wonder why their project is not working and the answer, many times, can be there.
Tip 2 for entrepreneurship: Find a business where you can differentiate yourself
There are people who are obsessed with finding chinese overseas australia phone number data something new, something that doesn't exist. That's all very well, but it must be very clear that evangelizing a sector is VERY, VERY complicated, and expensive, by the way (and I say this from my own experience).
It would be advisable to focus on launching a project, if possible in a sector that you dominate, something that already exists but that can be improved or focused on a different segment.
So, it's time to take the magnifying glass and spy on your competition . Analyze what they do, how they do it, who their customers are, what their pricing policy is, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and attack them there! Find the best content, provide the best customer service or have the best web speed.
Tip 3 for entrepreneurship: Put your ideas in order. Plan and make a strategy
Don't leave anything in your business to chance, don't wait for things to happen just because.
Think about the goals you want to achieve, and when, and draw up a strategy to achieve them. If you are not clear about where you are going, you will hardly get there.
And to do this, I would tell you to try to be as realistic as possible, taking into account that we tend to underestimate financial needs and overestimate achievements and, therefore, income.
Tip 4 for entrepreneurship: Find the perfect partner (if you need one)
This is one of the most common questions that arise when starting a business.
First, consider whether your business model requires a partner, because not everyone does. And if the answer is yes, then look for one who will provide you with support, and I don't just mean capital.
You need someone who complements you , who can do different things, who makes a good tandem. If it is a startup, for example, you need a business development, technological or marketing profile, if you do not cover any of those roles yourself.
You need someone who can provide you with contacts , either because they know the sector or because they have had a professional career that allows them to be very well connected.
You need someone who is aligned with you and the project, who can bring the same availability as you , and who is involved in the project at the same level.
You need someone you respect professionally , someone you are proud of.
You need someone you trust and with whom you have fluid communication .
Difficult, huh? No doubt, but essential. How many businesses fail because of bad decisions regarding who you associate with?
Tip 5 for entrepreneurship: Don't neglect the financing of your business
Financing is often the key to a company's survival, and we often neglect it either due to ignorance, irresponsibility or because we leave it in the hands of the wrong people.
In general, we worry about having the money to start up and then “we’ll see”. MISTAKE. If you are lucky enough to be selling your product from minute one, great, you are lucky, but this is not the norm.
Make a financial plan , estimate your start-up costs, your expenses for the first year and estimate how long you will have capital, but considering the most unfavorable scenario. In general, we tend to be too optimistic in these forecasts and then reality sets in, we find that we have run out of money much sooner than expected. Keep in mind that almost any process of searching for financing can take at least 6 months, so you have to be forward-thinking!
This topic is very rich, so in another article we will go into more detail about the financing methods that a company can rely on.
Tip 6 for entrepreneurship: Image is essential
I have seen many projects that leave the image in the background, that consider it secondary. MISTAKE. A good image today is essential. At a time when users and future clients have so many options, the competition is so brutal. So you need to stand out from the crowd, you need to generate trust, you need to be the chosen one and that depends on many things, this is clear, but one of them, WITHOUT A DOUBT, is the image.
And with this, I don't just mean the logo, I mean that it is necessary to take care of every detail that says something about you, who you are and how you do things, so take care of your website, your business cards, take care of your social networks, take care of the way you present your offers and even take care of your own image... EVERYTHING COUNTS.
Tip 7 for entrepreneurship: Think about your marketing strategy (ONline and OFFline)
Nowadays, even the most traditional sectors (lawyers, consultancies, shops, agri-food sector, etc.) must be in the online world:
Depending on your objectives, define: