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Giving a Brief Summary of What

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 8:50 am
by sadiksojib127
This indicates that Google has reviewed a page and chosen not to index it or serve it to users. These pages can be a good place to start your ‘thin content’ investigation. Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines have a section on low-quality pages. It states that a Low rating is valid if a page has one or more of the following characteristics Insufficient expertise, authority and credibility The quality of the main content is low Unsatisfactory amount of main content The title of the content is clickbait, intentionally shocking or exaggerated Ads or supplementary content distract from the main content There is an unsatisfactory amount of information about the website or creator The website has a slightly negative reputation based on extensive reputation research QRG says they will consider content that was created without sufficient time, effort, expertise, talent, or skill to be low quality.

Pages will also be considered low quality if they india mobile phone numbers database contain a small amount of content for the purpose of the page. For example, an encyclopedia article that has only a few paragraphs on a very broad topic like World War II. Also, consider the authorship of your content. If it’s a standard web page, it’s important to consider how the brand credentials behind it are displayed and proven, and use outboundexternal links to reference high-quality, high-authority sources such as government websites or academic reports where appropriate.


When it comes to something like a blog post, think about how the individual behind the post is represented and whether they are conveying their message as fact or opinion. We’ve seen many sites now use peer reviews as well as external links to cite their sources, and more are doing their own researchwriting reportsgaining certain accreditations to further their credentials. In addition to quality content, use schema.

org structured data to inform content and provide search engines with more context for certain on-page attributes, such as information about authors and contributors, as well as adding an additional layer of credibility for the organization itself. We’ll go into more detail about structured data and how it can support EEAT and rankings later in this guide. How to demonstrate expertise? Another area to consider in your website’s EEAT is not only the credibility and expertise of the writers behind your content, but also the representation of your brand on the web.