Content marketing is based on a strategy that connects all the contents, each conceived and built to achieve specific objectives.
In the B2B sector, content marketing is fundamental above all for the purchasing process, which has specific characteristics: in fact, we are talking about complex sales, whose closing cycle, from the first contact to the actual order, is generally very long.
It should not be forgotten that several actors are involved in the decision-making process.
In this context, producing content that is relevant to our afghanistan phone number library target audience, i.e. potential customers (not just B2B buyers , but all those involved in the purchasing decision-making process), becomes a key activity.
We can identify two aspects in particular of B2B content marketing
The main online channels through which to spread our content marketing content
We can identify two aspects in particular of B2B content marketing

1. Strategic and communicative aspect: it defines how we want to communicate the methods of solving a specific problem or need, which our company deals with.
Based on this choice, we will proceed with the research and production of contents that we consider relevant from a technical and commercial point of view and advantageous for the strategic positioning that we want to assign to our company.
We must therefore be clear about which market corner we want to attack to solve a problem or need of our potential customers.
2. Technical aspect: it concerns the research and analysis of keywords that will allow us to make our content visible to the client.
In technical jargon, we are talking about “search engine optimization” (SEO), which must be supported by a preliminary analysis of keywords and related search volumes.
This analysis, which can be done through Google's Keyword Planner, tells us what users and potential customers want , directing us towards our technical and communication strategy.