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How to reinvent yourself professionally by starting a business

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 5:52 am
by kolikhatun0022
We have talked on several occasions about the path of entrepreneurship and the demands it imposes. Unlearning in order to learn, acquiring new habits, discarding others. Regardless of the starting point, entrepreneurship involves a process of reinvention.

In this post we have Enelbral Martín as our guest , where she tells us how after working for a company for 13 years, she was fired and how she began a process of reinvention, started working on her personal brand and today, after two years, she has managed to open a space for herself as a LinkedIn specialist. Today she shares her story, her advice and demystifies some premises related to entrepreneurship.

Ene was a member of our Pin Club

Reinventing yourself professionally by starting a business: By Enebral Martín
I'm sure you often hear about professional reinvention.

We usually tend to associate this term with the fact of being unemployed. And, although it is true that this is the case in many cases, it is not the case in all cases.

Those who are thinking about changing jobs because they feel stuck in their current company or because they are no longer satisfied with what they do and want new challenges can also begin a process of professional reinvention, either by changing companies, sectors or, why not, by starting their own business.

Likewise, there are professionals who have been thinking for some time about working in what they are truly passionate about and who decide to take the plunge and start their own business.

In my opinion, reinventing yourself professionally is not just about changing jobs or sectors, far from it.

It is a profound process in which changes in attitude and mentality and, why not say it, self-knowledge are essential.

My process of reinvention began almost two years ago, after being fired in a redundancy plan, after working for 13 years in the same company as an instrumentation engineer.

Tips for a successful professional reinvention
With the path I have already taken, I would job seekers database like to tell you what I believe are the keys to successfully facing and carrying out a process of professional reinvention:

Think about what you are passionate about and what you do well .
Don't limit yourself to the present: go back to your childhood or adolescence and think about what you were passionate about at that time, what made you tick.

Identify your differentiating element .
Look for what makes you different, what you can contribute that others are not contributing, and of course, embrace that difference.

This is perhaps the most complicated part of the process, because it involves a lot of introspection and a lot of self-knowledge, but it is necessary for your reinvention process to go well.

Analyze the current job market and study which profiles are most in demand .
It's great to want to work in what you like. If you're also good at it, even better.

But keep in mind that you need to earn income. That is why it is necessary to do market research. You need to make sure that your profile is in demand.

Perform your SWOT analysis to be aware of your strengths .
The topic of strengths could almost be a whole article in itself. I would at least like to give you a few brushstrokes of what I think about it.

Each one of us has talent for some things, in which we can even shine. But we don't have talent for everything, it's that simple.

I think it is good to be aware of your weaknesses, but you should not try to improve them, because you will only succeed in “mediocrizing” your professional profile.

On the contrary, in my opinion, by enhancing your strengths, you will stand out and have a much more powerful profile.

Join the digitalization and technology .
Nowadays, it is essential that, if you have not already done so, you make room (and a lot of it) for technology.

Whether you are changing sectors, starting a business or looking for a job, the use of technology is becoming more widespread and more necessary for your professional reinvention.


10 tips you can apply if you want to start a business
What led me to start my own business?
So far I have talked to you about the steps to take to ensure a successful professional reinvention process , whether you are looking to change jobs (or sectors) or are searching for employment.

But, as I mentioned at the beginning of the article, nowadays, many people are thinking about starting a business or have already started on the path of entrepreneurship.

Just as I told you before that the process of reinvention is not fast and that you should run away from anyone who tells you that it is, now I tell you to run away from those people who want to sell you magic formulas when it comes to starting a business.

Returning to the subject of my professional reinvention , after my dismissal I was clear about two things from the very beginning: I didn't want to stay on the couch waiting for someone to get me out of trouble, and I did want to work according to my values.

These two things, together with the need I had to make up for lost time with my son, made me decide to start my own business.

This, without a doubt, almost two years later, I can say that it is one of the best decisions I have made in my life, but I will tell you that it is neither easy nor is it done overnight.

If someone tells you otherwise, run away, because they are lying to you.