Discounts often make financial sense if they keep a prospect you were going to lose anyway, which means they can be a solid motivator to get customers to leave their email.Run sweepstakes or a contest. Although contests can potentially bring in a lot of signups, the inherent downside is the person you’ll attract is looking for free stuff. Use a contest app to break through the noise, or to jumpstart your list, but don’t rely on them to grow an engaged audience for the long term.
Access to educational content. Produce a free piece of content that contains united kingdom phone number library tangible value for your target customers and will put them into a buying frame of mind. The best converting lead magnets offer something visitors can immediately apply and highlight a gap your product can fill.Ask for emails in personif you sell your products through pop-up shops, take one-off orders from friends, or already have a physical storefront, you’ll encounter a number of opportunities to ask customers for their email directly.
The same idea applies to physical calls to action: packaging inserts and small cards shipped with orders that can include discounts or offers for customers who return to store. Alternatively, use a qr code that, when scanned, takes customers to a separate landing page on your ecommerce website. Send emails legallythe relationship you build with your email list needs to be based on permission; not just from a marketing standpoint, but a legal one too.Email promotion is an example of “permission marketing”—a term coined by seth godin, marketer and bestselling author—which means people can opt in and out of their relationship with your brand as they please.
Understanding the Fundamentals of Email Marketing
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