How to Grow a Successful Career in SEO?

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How to Grow a Successful Career in SEO?

Post by jobaidur2228 »

Building a very successful career in SEO, and digital marketing as a whole, is an incredibly difficult thing to do.

Sure, if you have great technical skills and great team management skills, you could soon find yourself leading a team of digital marketers in a management role. But I’m talking about that misleading ‘next stage’ of becoming a successful digital marketer, someone people in the industry listen to. Or if that’s not your thing, being the marketing and SEO leader for one of the UK’s (or the world’s) biggest companies.

I pride myself every day on being able to take companies from a good place to the next level in their marketing efforts. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve made plenty of mistakes too! But there’s no better learning opportunity than taking the time to understand why those mistakes were made and how you can avoid making them again.

Whether you want to be one of the most recognized SEO influencers in the world or have a team under you to help you create great SEO strategies, you will find yourself soaring in the SEO and digital marketing arena when you follow my tips below.

Read More, But Talk More!

Successful in your career in SEO
Now, this may seem obvious, but if you want to be successful in your career in SEO france telephone number data you need to be the first to report on new trends and strategies in the industry. To do this, you need to learn as much as you can, as often as you can. I’ve found that the best way to do this is to subscribe to reputable SEO and marketing blogs and read posts as they come out. This will give you a great knowledge base when creating marketing strategies.

But here’s a tip that most people don’t think about. Make sure you’re engaging in conversation in the comments of these blog posts. This is where you’ll find the best insights from other marketers around the world . In some cases, I’ve found that the conversations I have in the comments sections of blog posts are more helpful than the blog post itself! If you’re willing to learn from others, you’ll go a long way!

There are some great online tools that can help you achieve this. I’m a big fan of Reddit and Quora in particular. These sites allow you to curate your knowledge and interests and answer questions from the public. If your answers are comprehensive, in-depth, and truly answer the public’s questions, you’ll quickly find yourself becoming an influencer on these platforms.


Then, when you feel like you’re ready to take the next step, you can start your own blog. Your followers on sites like Reddit , Quora , and Medium will likely follow you to your blog if they think you’re an informed voice in the industry.

Don't chase salary, chase problems

Don't Chase a Salary, Chase Problems in Marketing
I have Matthew Barby to thank for this tip . When you’re first starting out in the workforce, especially in marketing, it’s easy to get caught up in the lure of high-paying graduate marketing roles. My advice is to avoid them. My first job was a trainee position where I didn’t get paid very much for doing a lot of work! Despite this, I was actually very happy. It wasn’t a high-paying role by any means, but I was constantly faced with new problems and it was up to me and my colleagues to find ways to solve them.

Doing this type of work for 18 months gave me a fantastic and comprehensive knowledge of a range of marketing tactics that could be used to solve a wide range of problems! Almost all of this knowledge I still use today. I must say that at this stage in my career almost every single one of my colleagues were making twice the salary I was, but most were extremely unhappy and dissatisfied in their roles, whereas I was given a foundation to take control of certain things and be responsible for a large number of clients.

My current role involves working with managers and colleagues across the company to develop marketing strategies for new and existing clients, and I wouldn’t be as successful as I am without the knowledge that came with my first role. Find a role that will challenge you constantly, or change your current role! In my current role, I am responsible for creating marketing campaigns and materials to increase brand awareness for my clients. If these fail, I am responsible for both the error itself and fixing the error.

Think Realistically

Think Realistically - move on in order to progress
Inevitably, there will come a time when you start to feel like you need to move on in order to progress your career. This is natural, it’s now almost unheard of for someone to stay with the same company for their entire career. However, every opportunity to change employers should also come with an increase in your responsibilities. There are exceptions of course, for example if you’re changing industry. But in reality, most new roles you apply for should be a step up.

It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that you’ll need to be responsible for a large team later in your career, especially if you have the technical knowledge to help companies advance their marketing efforts, and I did, but in most cases (especially early in your career) that won’t be the case. However, moving up in a job role doesn’t mean moving from being someone who follows instructions to someone who gives the orders.
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