the following case studies are examples of good practices to support the arguments of our article.
They also provide a clearer view of their impact on a website’s performance.
Case study #1: content reorganization
one of our clients has service pages and blog posts related to these services.
To avoid cannibalization of these pages and to ensure that google offers the appropriate page for user queries, restructure the content of the service pages.
After a detailed analysis, we found that the problem lay in the frequent repetition of similar keywords on both the service page and the blog.
To address this situation, we reorganized the norway mobile phone number content on the service page and refined the keywords so that the post focuses on unique terms.
The results were very positive as service pages began to rank for keywords specifically related to services. Also, queries related to these services increased in clicks.
Case study #2: removing duplicate content
another client had several cases of cannibalization due to a significant number of blog posts dealing with the same topics or with duplicate content.
To solve this, we first analyzed the pages generating more organic traffic and with better quality content.
The next step was to remove low-quality pages, incorporate a 301 redirect to the main pages, and improve the content with more detailed and up-to-date information.
These steps generated an improvement in the positioning of the pages and, consequently, an increase in organic traffic.
Conclusion: control every aspect of your website and avoid cannibalization
to avoid seo cannibalization problems and not be penalized in the rankings, it is crucial to consider implementing an appropriate web architecture.
To avoid this, it is recommended to control the content of each page and the search intentions that you want to satisfy on each of them.
Also, by conducting regular reviews to detect potential cases of seo cannibalization and resolving issues in time, you can facilitate the implementation of solutions more efficiently.
All of this can help us prevent this type of inconvenience in the future.
If you have multiple urls competing for the same keywords, you now know what actions to take to improve your website's ranking.
It is important to identify and fix seo cannibalization on your website to improve your rankings and increase traffic. So don't wait any longer to implement them.