How to attract clients:
Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 4:22 am
Lead magnets are a method of attracting clients that has long been known to everyone.
But it is still not used as effectively as it should be.
What types of lead costa rica phone number library magnets are there, why they sometimes don’t work, and how to make sure your audience appreciates the idea — in one article!
The information is relevant for editors, marketers and entrepreneurs.
Are you tired of investing money in content to attract customers that doesn't even pay off? Then this article is definitely for you.On aggregator sites, the main menu may, among other things, include an extensive catalog with branched blocks.
Краткое меню на образовательной платформе
Brief menu on the educational platform "Netology"
Двойное меню на фермерском маркетплэйсе
Double menu on the farmer's marketplace
In recent years, some product landing pages have been created using the AIDA formula as mini landing pages or product cards.
That is, the basic blocks – payment methods, reviews, order form – are located vertically immediately after the description of the product/service.
Let's give an example.
On the website of Sergey Troubadour's agency, vertical and horizontal sales chains intersect.
There is a conversion form at the end of each page.
And there are alternative links to those pages that satisfy interest or build trust.
And the target visitor can fill out the form at any stage of getting to know the site.
Конверсионная форма в конце страницы
Approach 3. UX design

UX technology complements the standard structure based on the elements of the AIDA formula.
But its main task is to make the process of working with the site as convenient and simple as possible.
Let us give examples of how this is implemented in practice.
On the platform for automation of infobusiness "AutoWebOffice" the user often sees educational and interesting video presentations and navigation buttons. Hints will accompany you here at every stage of mastering the service.
This feature significantly simplifies the trainer’s work and keeps traffic on the site.
And what’s important is that it gives the platform a big competitive advantage.
Видеопрезентации и навигационные кнопки
An exemplary UX design with beautiful segmented navigation can also be seen on the Netology website. Large and clear buttons make it easy for anyone to find educational courses.
Крупные и понятные кнопки
To harmoniously combine 2 approaches to structure – AIDA and UX – do the following.
Look at the prototype/layout of your future website through the eyes of a distrustful user unfamiliar with you.
Highlight the blocks/pages that this user will want to see before taking the conversion action.
Make sure that he can get to these blocks from any landing page (make logical interlinking).
Make sure that the main page, all landing pages and additional pages have a visible link to contacts or an order form.
Imagine yourself in their place. Can you quickly make a decision about buying/ordering? Do you need additional elements (bright buttons or a side menu) to find the conversion form more quickly?
Do sidebars and ad units distract you from the main purpose of visiting the site?
Think about at what stage/page you might need feedback (online chat to contact the manager).
Let's look at additional issues related to the structure and content of the site.
What can be added to the header and horizontal menu
Remember that the site header can serve as the first element of the vertical conversion chain on each landing page.
But it is still not used as effectively as it should be.
What types of lead costa rica phone number library magnets are there, why they sometimes don’t work, and how to make sure your audience appreciates the idea — in one article!
The information is relevant for editors, marketers and entrepreneurs.
Are you tired of investing money in content to attract customers that doesn't even pay off? Then this article is definitely for you.On aggregator sites, the main menu may, among other things, include an extensive catalog with branched blocks.
Краткое меню на образовательной платформе
Brief menu on the educational platform "Netology"
Двойное меню на фермерском маркетплэйсе
Double menu on the farmer's marketplace
In recent years, some product landing pages have been created using the AIDA formula as mini landing pages or product cards.
That is, the basic blocks – payment methods, reviews, order form – are located vertically immediately after the description of the product/service.
Let's give an example.
On the website of Sergey Troubadour's agency, vertical and horizontal sales chains intersect.
There is a conversion form at the end of each page.
And there are alternative links to those pages that satisfy interest or build trust.
And the target visitor can fill out the form at any stage of getting to know the site.
Конверсионная форма в конце страницы
Approach 3. UX design

UX technology complements the standard structure based on the elements of the AIDA formula.
But its main task is to make the process of working with the site as convenient and simple as possible.
Let us give examples of how this is implemented in practice.
On the platform for automation of infobusiness "AutoWebOffice" the user often sees educational and interesting video presentations and navigation buttons. Hints will accompany you here at every stage of mastering the service.
This feature significantly simplifies the trainer’s work and keeps traffic on the site.
And what’s important is that it gives the platform a big competitive advantage.
Видеопрезентации и навигационные кнопки
An exemplary UX design with beautiful segmented navigation can also be seen on the Netology website. Large and clear buttons make it easy for anyone to find educational courses.
Крупные и понятные кнопки
To harmoniously combine 2 approaches to structure – AIDA and UX – do the following.
Look at the prototype/layout of your future website through the eyes of a distrustful user unfamiliar with you.
Highlight the blocks/pages that this user will want to see before taking the conversion action.
Make sure that he can get to these blocks from any landing page (make logical interlinking).
Make sure that the main page, all landing pages and additional pages have a visible link to contacts or an order form.
Imagine yourself in their place. Can you quickly make a decision about buying/ordering? Do you need additional elements (bright buttons or a side menu) to find the conversion form more quickly?
Do sidebars and ad units distract you from the main purpose of visiting the site?
Think about at what stage/page you might need feedback (online chat to contact the manager).
Let's look at additional issues related to the structure and content of the site.
What can be added to the header and horizontal menu
Remember that the site header can serve as the first element of the vertical conversion chain on each landing page.