Unconventional naming, the Responsibly case
Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:32 am
The logotype is a pronounceable, typographically unique graphic sign in which several letters are fused together. The pictogram is a real icon in which one or more objects are represented in a stylized manner that refer directly or indirectly to the products or services offered by the company that the pictogram represents.
Ideograms and iconography
Pictograms can be divided into ideograms and iconographic ones . The former are those signs that represent abstract concepts such as Nike or Mercedes, while the iconographic pictograms are symbols that represent the actual name of the brand, such as the shell (shell in English) of Shell or the apple (apple in English) of Apple.
Just like with naming, even when designing your logo you will have to take the concept of coherence into consideration . Choose a color palette that is coherent with what you produce and also exploit the evocative value of colors, such as the yellow/red combination of McDonald's, famous for having an appetite-stimulating effect.
In recent years, the evolution of advertising has undergone a huge acceleration. Thanks to this phenomenon, it is possible to witness increasingly curious cases of creative strategies aimed at capturing the egypt whatsapp resource public's attention. We have often spoken of unconventional advertising, but less often we have heard of unconventional naming .
A case that fits perfectly to explain this concept is certainly that of a small brewery that simply had a small great idea (brilliant) to draw attention to itself. Thanks to a particular and certainly extremely creative and unconventional move, this small company opted for a particular naming: Responsibly .
The genius of this move is that by law every beer from other brands has a small writing on the label that says “Drink Responsibly” which translated means “Drink responsibly” but with a beer called Responsibly on the market, it changes meaning completely.
Making it all even more impressive is the presentation video, which you can watch here .
In this article you will find 3 tips that can be extremely useful in choosing the perfect naming (name) for your business, whether it is a small business or a startup, but also for an APP, or any activity on which you have decided to bet.
Ideograms and iconography
Pictograms can be divided into ideograms and iconographic ones . The former are those signs that represent abstract concepts such as Nike or Mercedes, while the iconographic pictograms are symbols that represent the actual name of the brand, such as the shell (shell in English) of Shell or the apple (apple in English) of Apple.
Just like with naming, even when designing your logo you will have to take the concept of coherence into consideration . Choose a color palette that is coherent with what you produce and also exploit the evocative value of colors, such as the yellow/red combination of McDonald's, famous for having an appetite-stimulating effect.
In recent years, the evolution of advertising has undergone a huge acceleration. Thanks to this phenomenon, it is possible to witness increasingly curious cases of creative strategies aimed at capturing the egypt whatsapp resource public's attention. We have often spoken of unconventional advertising, but less often we have heard of unconventional naming .
A case that fits perfectly to explain this concept is certainly that of a small brewery that simply had a small great idea (brilliant) to draw attention to itself. Thanks to a particular and certainly extremely creative and unconventional move, this small company opted for a particular naming: Responsibly .
The genius of this move is that by law every beer from other brands has a small writing on the label that says “Drink Responsibly” which translated means “Drink responsibly” but with a beer called Responsibly on the market, it changes meaning completely.
Making it all even more impressive is the presentation video, which you can watch here .
In this article you will find 3 tips that can be extremely useful in choosing the perfect naming (name) for your business, whether it is a small business or a startup, but also for an APP, or any activity on which you have decided to bet.