3 Forbidden Secrets to Turn Your Ad Sentences into Customer Magnets!

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3 Forbidden Secrets to Turn Your Ad Sentences into Customer Magnets!

Post by testyedits »

Home » copywriting » 3 Forbidden Secrets to Turn Your Ad Sentences into Customer Magnets!

“Product No. 1 on Planet Pluto!”

“Great All Products”

“The Product of Choice of the Japanese and Pakistani People.”

...and hundreds more claims of dubious truth have been scattered throughout the advertisement.

I don't know...

I'm not sure either…

How many products "claim" they are number 1, king, chieftain and whatever bombastic titles they have?

The question is... are claims like this necessary to ensure your advertisement is truly effective?

Actually, for me it's not even necessary.

“We have become so accustomed to hearing everyone bangladesh telegram database claim that his product is the best in the world, or the cheapest, that we take all such statements with a grain of salt.”-Robert Collier-

There is an easier way to create captivating advertising sentences, but many entrepreneurs don't know this method.

So, in this article I want to reveal these 3 forbidden secrets. (Psss… these 3 secrets are always practiced by world-class copywriters)

#1 Focus on Benefits, Not Features

If you read any copywriting book written by a famous copywriter… You will definitely find these tips,

...and I myself also emphasize this chapter to all participants of the Copy Master 2.0 online training .

Arguably, this is the main point emphasized by the majority of advertising copywriters.

I once joined online training with Pam Foster from AWAI (American Writer and Artist Inc)… Pam Foster said that these tips have been repeated many times, but the irony is that many people still make the mistake of only focusing on the product features in the advertisement.

Before I continue, I want to explain the different features and benefits of the products.

Features are what we see physically on the product. Examples of features are telekung, yellow color, floral embroidery, and rubber face.

The benefits are... what customers will get with the features of your product.

Example of an ad sentence that only focuses on features

Premium XYZ Telekung

7 Exclusive Color Options
There is flexible rubber on the face
There is a pocket on the chest.
What's wrong with this ad sentence?

The big problem is, when customers read this ad, they don't even feel excited.

The characteristics are for information purposes only.

It doesn't excite customers to try your product.

The advertisement sentence for the example above could be improved if written like this:

Premium XYZ Telekung

There is flexible rubber on the face.
When you wear it, it fits your face perfectly. No matter if your face is square, wide, or round... This telekung will adjust to the size and shape of your face.
So... when you want to pray, just feel calm. No need to worry about it being loose, your chin can be covered perfectly and your hair won't easily come out of the telekung.
See the difference between ad sentences that focus solely on features and ad sentences that emphasize benefits over features?
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