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Marketing automation example

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 8:54 am
by jsarmin
ou can assign a score to a contact who has visited a page on your website, opened a certain number of emails, completed a form, etc.

This use of marketing automation is especially useful if you know the actions that lead to conversions for your business. If you don't, start digging!

You can then add to a qualified customer list all contacts who have achieved a certain score to be considered valuable prospects. You can then send these prospects to your sales representatives or send promotions that encourage them to buy.

Example of using lead scoring in a scenario:

Create dynamic contact lists
As we saw in the scenario above, one of the most important possibilities offered by marketing automation is the ability to classify your contacts based on their behavior.

This way, you can refine your email strategy through better segmentation. By creating dynamic lists, you can send more relevant content and promote greater loyalty.

marketing automation scenario
In this example, the list “purchase in response to a promotion” can serve as an entry point for a new scenario.

Who can benefit from marketing automation?
Any marketer who wants to increase the lifetime of their customers can do this with marketing automation. However, it will be even more useful if you already know your conversion funnel.

You should adopt marketing automation if:

You generate a lot of leads or prospects. Marketing saudi arabia telegram data automation is particularly powerful for transforming your visitors into leads, in particular thanks to lead nurturing or lead scoring.
You want to improve your email marketing results. Through segmentation and dynamic management of your contact lists, you can significantly improve the impact generated by your campaigns.
You want to improve your customer relationship. By triggering emails based on precise actions, marketing automation allows you to individually target each of your contacts at the time when they will be most receptive.
In summary
Here's what you need to keep in mind:

Marketing automation consists of automating repetitive tasks according to predefined conditions.
Automated tasks are scheduled into scenarios or workflows.
Contacts enter a scenario through an action.
They are then filtered according to conditions, actions or behaviors.
Scenarios are used to carry out different tasks according to the characteristics of each contact.
You should now have a better understanding of what marketing automation is and how it can help you grow your business.