Outbound marketing methods are becoming less and less effective over time and inbound marketing methods are being used more and more frequently. That means companies are trading in their billboards and television ads for emails and social media (the kind of marketing you can pinpoint your return-on-investment).
But how can email and social media be effective forms of marketing? The answer is content marketing.
Content marketing isn’t always easy and it’s an ongoing process. In band database order to constantly , you need to have a planning and creation process in place. It’s easy to fall victim to poorly executed content marketing, especially without the proper plan.
Don't fall victim to these common content marketing mistakes:
Download The Essential Guide to Developing a Content Strategy to learn how to effectively drive high conversions.
1: Failing to assign marketing and sales goals for your content.
If you don’t take the initial steps to identify and target specific marketing and sales goals then you’ll spend time creating assets that don’t engage or convert.
93% of the most effective B2Bcontent marketers cite lead generation as a goal. For us, lead generation is our primary goal of content marketing. We want to be producing engaging blog posts, social media messages, emails, e-books and more that trigger visitors’ appetites for our knowledge. In doing this, we establish a relationship that is nurtured by additional targeted content to take visitors through the buying journey.
Ultimately by extending your expertise, it’ll make people stop, read, think and behave differently.