and gradually began to resume the agency's work. We are doing great now. We have learned from our mistakes and built a strong team. But this fuck-up will always remain in our memory as a lesson. In any business, especially in an agency where you work with clients, you need to be extremely careful and take your time, even when it seems like there is no time. Because every uk database wrong step can cost you dearly not only financially, but also in terms of reputation and client trust.very-painful-incident-that-happened-in-my-agency/SEGMENTATION OF THE TARGET AUDIENCE (TA): METHODS AND EXAMPLES FOR EFFECTIVE MARKETING UAWEB Digital agency 3 0 The target audience (TA) is a group of people with similar interests and needs.
They may be interested in a certain product and may purchase it if they wish. That is, these are potential buyers of some product or service, and all steps of marketers regarding the promotion of this product should be aimed specifically at the TA. This approach significantly increases the effectiveness of advertising, because information about the product is provided not to all people, but only to those who may be interested in it. Target audience segmentation aims to divide the general group into several subgroups according to certain characteristics. But based on the definition of the target audience, it is unclear why it needs to be segmented? (This is not a rhetorical question, by the way.