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National Degree Application ?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 8:36 am
by taniyaakter
When to File a US
The priority date is the deadline for entering the U.S. national phase . If the delay was inadvertent and the time has already passed, it may still be possible to file a late application for the U.S. national phase. A petition and associated government fees will be required.

USPTO Filing Fees For National Degree Application?
For a small entity, the minimum USPTO filing fee for a national stage application is $790 and would be approximately $1600 for a large company with 500 or more employees. This minimum does not include any additional fees that may be required, such as those for excessive claims, claims with many dependent claims, the size of the application, filing of signed inventor declarations after the deadline, etc. To prevent abandonment, the bare minimum that must be paid with the i Croatia Phone Number Library nitial entry is the basic national stage fee, which is $140 for a small entity.

US National Degree Application Checklist
Here is a list of the required qualifications for a US national stage application:

A copy of the PCT application (if the PCT application has not yet been published, this is required in advance)
USPTO fees (a national preliminary fee is required in advance)
Whether the applicant is a large or small entity (required in advance)
Names and addresses of applicants and inventors (required in advance; usually available from the published PCT application)
Inventor declarations with signatures (after initial filing, submissions are allowed)
Modifications to the claims in the international application filed under article 19 of the Treaty, unless the International Bureau so informs the Patent and Trademark Office, and a translation into English if such revisions were made in another language.
Power of Attorney signed by a US representative (can be scanned; original is not required)
English translation of PCT application (can be submitted after initial filing)