I once had a client tell me bluntly, “No matter how rich the data is, colombia whatsapp number data too much data means we don’t have time to look at it or implement it. ” This is often the case when clients are presented with a templated checklist with slide explanations. Rather than a checklist-based technical audit, I recommend that you create a strategic, revenue-focused, solution-oriented framework. To start a technical audit, create a master report; it can be a Google Slides document or PowerPoint presentation that lists the main issues – here’s a template to get you started.

Support this document with a detailed spreadsheet that will help the development team take action quickly – here’s a template spreadsheet I recommend. Copy these and bookmark them; you’ll need them soon! The Google Slides or master document contains the key information of the audit in a more easily navigable format. It uses charts and numbers to explain the issues and their business impact. This document should be shared with time-pressed decision makers who may not have the technical knowledge to understand each issue.