ALON: Especially if you're talking about non SMB mid-market enterprise, you don't own it.
NICK: Right. Right. What are some things marketing can do to accelerate the, the sales cycle? Cause we talk about obviously sourcing leads, being the original, you know, assisting with conversions, assisting with sales. What about accelerating the sales cycle?
ALON: As times you can do, you can mobile phone number database australia do pipeline acceleration programs that are very targeted into cohorts of your sales owned. What is in play bottom of the funnel? So let's say you have three, four stages in sales funnel from pipeline. Then you have probably something like you know technical validation, business case, red light, and so forth. For each one of those. What makes them go to the next step? Marketers should be deeply involved there. So if you're in free bin validation, then how, how are you gonna enable them with an ROI conversation? That's not sales. You need to give customer testimonials. You need to give a platform for them to divide them to a mini intimate round table, maybe a discovery consultative like, you know, day with a consultant or an analyst to show the value. You need to give them an assessment tool or an ROI tool they can use or prefilled. You need to be arm them. You need to reach to Lei, have a podcast that can reach the, and have them talk about the pain and how they want to solve the pain. Nothing to do with their product marketing should be involved in mapping all the personas from the champion that has been identified all the way to the economic buyer and the executive itself throughout the journey. We are not lead generators. That's like, that's like obvious 20 years ago. Yeah. You have to be full funnel across the journey. That's much better
ALON: No, no, of course not. We should start there because that's usually where the pain is when I come into places. Yeah. We don't have enough demand. Okay. Let's start there. But then pipeline acceleration and helping touch and influence deals is also very important. It gets less credit though. That's a problem,
NICK: Right? Right. would you say like a, a, a marketing campaign for each stage of the, of the sales pipeline?
ALON: Oh, no way more. So the holy grail is by persona, by stage by company. So I'm an account based person should have its own dedicated stream of offers and offer can be a content piece. A BDR sense and offer can be me inviting somebody to a podcast and offer can be a nurture stream of where they started with the content download or two or three to the next one. It can be an event series it's sophisticated and complex. And middle of the final content is AIV for PR research and your own proprie data. If you, if that's like the holy grail that you should aspire to. Right. Very hard to achieve. If you have multiple personas in multiple stages, but...
NICK: And a small team
ALON: Well, of course, but that's, that's part of the fun part of the challenge. So I like this job.
NICK: Absolutely. Yeah. I was gonna ask you, what is, what is the favorite part about the job?
ALON: The craziness and the challenge of influencing companies and helping them achieve something that is, seems to be that big and massive that I'm like, not even sure to start and bringing together sanity across different places. It's, it's, it's challenging, but it's fun because it actually, it actually does work when you do things well and you always have creative. I learn every day I learn from every junior person I learn from every company I work with. I learn tons, but you find a way and you test and creativity works. So it's, it's a lot of fun.
NICK: Would you say you like to enter into a chaotic situation and restore order or do you thrive in the chaos?
ALON: Mm, I don't like the chaos because if it's chaos, then you, the job is twofold. You gotta clean up the, the crap and you, you mix stop it and then build. So I, I prefer to be not chaotic, but just not existed, but that's not life. I, I don't join small companies. I join companies that are probably over a round B round. And, and if I'm brought in, there's a reason like there's takes the strategy to put together. Chaos is never fun. You wanna stop the chaos and no arguments and that's build the future. That's best. That's why start with the lining on the language and the definition of success.
NICK: Absolutely. Absolutely. Well, Alon, I feel like we could talk all day about this stuff. I live and breathe this as well as you do. But we have to wrap up and I want to end by asking you, you know, what is kind of one actionable tip or, or like a growth hack or something that one of our audience members can implement this week or this month.
ALON: Yeah, for sure. I'm not a growth hacking person, but for me, there's one thing, many people talk about a podcast. Like we are now talking about that. It's like, you gotta do a podcast. You gotta a podcast. I will say, only do a podcast when you know, the persona that's relevant and what the topic of conversation relevant to them and not to you is mm-hmm <affirmative>. And to people that have launched a podcast, don't just take the people. The people that you think are gonna be good as content people, the podcast is not just the content. It is for me. The number one, ABM, not AB everything, ABM tool for marketing to invite the economic buyer or executive persona for the only conversation that they'll do. Cause so start getting these people into your podcast immediately. Why from your tier one or your top 100 target account list, why it's the free and best and most fun discovery call that your sales team will never have with that buyer?
NICK: I love it. Love it. I need to take some of this direct down for our podcast. Awesome. Well, thank you. All. This was, this was great. Really appreciate the, the insight and thank you for again, joining us on our growth marketing chat.
Marketing. Doesn't stop at the pipeline
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- Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2024 5:21 am