There is a limited amount of space available for ad extensions on Google search results, and higher positioned ads get the first opportunity to use this space for extensions.
Each lower position has a limited number of extensions it can receive, and in general, you may not get more visibility from ad extensions than you would if you moved your ad position up. For example, let’s say your ad is currently in position two. Think about moving it up a position by one spot and you might get up to ivory coast phone number library more visibility. But adding a second extension to your ad might give you up to 40% more visibility. In this case, you might not qualify for the second extension and you might need to increase your bid or quality (or both) to move your position up a position to get more clicks. Keep in mind that this limit will not apply to the ad that is at the top of the search results, as it does not gain any visibility from a higher position.
3. Other ad extensions you have enabled. Each auction will typically use your highest performing, most useful combination of extensions and formats among those available.
Ad extensions appear with ads on the search network and may also appear with ads on the display network, depending on the extension.
Note: Countries where ad extensions are available vary by extension type.
Types of Ad Extensions
Now that you understand the key benefits of ad extensions, it's time to look at the different ad extensions available on the Google Ads platform.

Automatic and Manual Extensions
There are two types of ad extensions available in Google Ads: manual extensions and automatic extensions.
The main difference between the two is that automatic extensions are both automatically activated and dynamic, pulling data from your website to create an extension relevant to a specific search term to provide the content of the extension. Manual extensions, in contrast, are not automatically activated and are mostly static.